New Moon in Ardra: The Star of Sorrow


Amāvásyā // The dark moon Tuesday evening (6/28) lands in the constellation of Ardra (sidereal Gemini), the Star of Sorrow. We’re feeling the pressure and unravelling of the collective churning through us. The new moon flavors the energies of the month to come, which find their culmination in the full moon. This constellation, as much as it appears to be destructive, initiates the perfect storm to trigger evolutionary growth, which has the potential to bring about great change. 

Many of us are feeling as if we’re on the verge of a big breakthrough and are feeling passionate about the idea of change. As much as this change is at our fingers tips, consider that things are developing at their own pace and know there’s no need to force or rush the process. Stay patient a little longer and allow yourself to be surprised by natures timeline and you will be delightedly satisfied with the results. 

19th Century painting of Siva dancing to Parvati’s drum

Pay attention and keep a broad perspective as you strike a fine balance between being determined and going along for the ride. Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Rudra, the fierce form of Shiva, and is known for evoking pressure which is intended to forge one into who they’re truly meant to be and tends to release one from the weight of their decaying past, through stormy events. Know that these storms are usually short lived and don’t last very long. Whatever is coming up now is being purified and is cleaning you out for a fresh start - don’t cling to the past or touch what’s coming up now.

The more you can cultivate patience and a sense of being a witness to it all, the greater capacity you have to sail through these storms with ease and be rewarded with the renewal and fresh start that comes after the storm. Like a diamond in the rough, we’re being forged through the storms of transformation, so we can distill down and extract the wisdom needed to be truly available to what is and what is to become. Remember to leave time for play and to steep in the practices that ground you and allow you to rest in the quiet, silent awareness of your own being. ~ All My Relations 

Visit my booking site to schedule a private consultation and receive personalized guidance on how to navigate the current celestial weather. With love all ways

Rainer Maria Rilke // “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything.”

New Moon in Rohini: The Star of Ascent


Artwork by Angela long

The dark moon early Monday morning falls in the constellation of Rohini (sidereal Taurus), the Star of Ascent. Rohini is the moons favorite lunar mansion with it’s alluring, charismatic and magnetic charm and is one of the brightest stars in the nights sky (Aldebaran). This new moon activates a month of materializing ones thoughts and desires, as this star is known for bestowing support for growth on the material plane. 

The astrological weather has been quite turbulent as of late and our dance with Mercury retrograde may just have a finale up it’s sleeve before the end of the week. The past couple months have been a rite of passage for many, clearing you out for something new to be birthed. Instead of stepping into blame or story, as many of us do, what would it take for you to be in curiosity around what Mercury, the planet of speech, communication and technology, is attempting to convey to you? 

The architecture is changing fast — the moment think you’ve made up your mind, the whole story has already shifted. Wait a around a week after June 3rd, when mercury stations direct, to initiate the long awaited action steps you’ve been pondering in your mind, over and over again. Be in the questions now and when mercury moves forward, your magnetism and productivity will spur you into momentum.

Shani (Saturn), son of Surya Dev, who is depicted as a dark figure, sitting on a crow — the planet of karma, duty, longevity and the keeper of time, celebrates his birthday with this new moon. On June 4th, Shani makes his yearly retrograde motion in Danishtha star (sidereal Aquarius) until October 20th. We’re stepping into a phase, we could associate with as a do-over, as on July 12th Shani returns to Capricorn, where he’s been casting his gaze the past two plus years.

Our attention may become preoccupied with reviewing our values, direction in life, and holding on to our personal truths. Saturn retrograde will provide an opportunity for us to review our sense of responsibility and hold the mirror up to unconscious patterns we may have left on repeat. We are being gifted a miraculous opportunity to up-level and expedite our growth of consciousness. Holding onto old ways, as comfortable as if feels in the moment, will ultimately lead you to being swept away by the strong current. 

Stay grounded, curious and reclaim your celestial nature, that which is also deeply rooted and resting in being. This is not the time of the loan Wolf anymore, nor the time to relished completely in our accession practices. It is the time to reconsider our place in community and how we contribute to each other and whole. Just like whenever you throw a pebble into a lake the ripples are felt even at the shore remember — when one person choses to reclaim both their light and dark completely, it activates the great circle that holds us all together. 

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit the link in my bio to schedule a private consultation. All my Relations ☀︎︎♡︎☀︎︎

"I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. 

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children. Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea." ~ Rilke 

Artwork by Mr. Babies

  • May 30th: New Moon in Rohini (Taurus)

  • June 3rd: Mercury stations direct in Taurus

  • June 4th: Saturn stations retrograde in Aquarius

  • June 13th: Full Moon in Scorpio (Jyestha)

  • June 15th: Sun enters Gemini

  • June 17th: Venus enters Taurus

  • June 21: Solstice

  • June 26th: Mars enters Aries

  • June 28th: New Moon in Gemini (Ardra)

New Moon in Bharani: The Star of Restraint

:: Eclipse Season ::

Artwork by @trishathompsonadams

Pressed with pending decisions? And confronted with the unexpected? 

Eclipse season is upon us as we step into a time outside of time. Saturday initiates our first eclipse in the Aries / Libra axis and we find ourselves on the precipice of a global paradigm shift. April was stacked with astrological shifts and pregnant with a promise of transformation — with the new moon, solar eclipse on the 30th, that doorway will swing wide open. 

Decisions are requesting your attention and it feels as if your world is becoming unglued and the cards have been thrown in the air. The new moon, solar eclipse on Saturday is in the constellation of Bharani (Sidereal Aries) the Star of Restraint. Expect the unexpected. The pressure is beginning to reach a tipping point and the course correction being presented, is not the path you expected. Trust in the process and allow the eclipses to have their way with you.

Eclipses are considered a vulnerable point, as they bring to the surface that which has been kept in the dark and invokes a heightened feeling of uncertainty. The new Moon energy sets the tone for the month to come and solar eclipses are an omen of sorts for the next six months. Track what is trying to make itself known to you over the next couple weeks. Something new is requesting to birth through you — will you jump with impulse and take the decision that is most pressing or will you soften into the changes that have yet to emerge from within? You have more time than you think and you will not recognize yourself when we're through (after the Lunar Eclipse on 5/15).

This is a potent time to meditate on the power of death and the transformational mysteries contained within the womb… a doorway between death and life — that which tends to and nurtures the subtle energies that have yet to surface. As I sit with the energies of Bharani I’m reminded of the old Sufi saying, ‘You must die before you die.’ For you cannot truly be reborn until you’re willing to die — to let go of who you think you are. Stay grounded, keep things simple and be open to being completely renewed. 


To book a private consultation and talk about how YOU can navigate a life free from compromise, while staying open to the transformation processes, visit:

On April 28th, Saturn, the slowest of the seven major planets makes it’s two and a half year transit from sidereal Capricorn into Aquarius. A time to turn a critical eye to your hopes, dreams, goals, contributions, social structures, friendships, and community involvement. 

  • April 27-May 23: Venus Exalted (Pisces)

  • April 28: Saturn moves into Aquarius 

  • April 30th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse - Aries (Bharani)

  • May 2/3: Akshaya Tritiya (Day of lasting achievements)

  • May 10th-June 3rd: Mercury Retrograde

  • May 14th: Sun enters Taurus 

  • May 15th: Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse - Scorpio (Vishakha) 

  • May 29th: New Moon - Taurus (Rohini)

New Moon in Revatī: The Wealthy Star


Art Deco by Carline Smith

The dark moon late tonight lands at the end of the zodiac, in the constellation of Revatī , the Wealthy Star. Revatī holds the energy contained within the gap, the source codes which usher the transition from one ending into a new beginning. This new moon marks the culmination of what many could frame as a year of uncertainty and instability and welcomes the astrological new year with the Sun and Moon in Sidereal Pisces. Some calculate and predict the year ahead from this point. With three major astrological shifts in April, accompanied by accelerated fertility, gesturing in the horizontal direction — this month holds the potential for long term growth.

You may be experiencing an increase in cabin pressure. Remember to put your oxygen mask on first before helping anyone else. The tipping point is approaching, you may feel as if you’ve been standing on edge, peering into your hopes, dreams and desires that are just out of reach — as your energy has been preoccupied elsewhere. Overwhelmed and frustrated that you’ve been distracted from your crystal clear vision. Consider trusting the process and perhaps leaning into the idea that whatever is occupying your time now, just may lead to nurturing and protecting the path you ultimately wish to walk.

Restrain from making impulsive decisions this month.  If you feel the need to rush into the shift that is at your fingertips, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time. Wait until the dust settles and eclipse season (4/30-5/15) has its way with you. We’re on the precipice of a global and personal paradigm shift. You won’t recognize yourself in a few weeks. Keep it simple, stay grounded, in your heart and brave enough to live your truth.

- All my relations -

"To be free comes not from changing or fixing this world, but from seeing this world as it is and opening the heart in the midst of it." ~ J. Krishnamurthi

If you could use some help navigating the current celestial waters, please visit Vedic Astrology Reading to book a private consultation.

  • March 31st/April 1: New Moon in Revati — sidereal Pisces

  • April 13th: Jupiter enters sidereal Pisces

  • April 14: Sun enters sidereal Aries. Important practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on this day

  • April 16th: Full Moon in Chitra — sidereal Libra

  • April 28th: Saturn enters sidereal Aquarius 

  • April 30th: Partial Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Bharani — sidereal Aries

New Moon in Śatabhiṣā: The Veiling Star

:: Amāvásyā  ::

Artwork by Adrian Cox

The New Moon Wednesday morning (3/2) lands in the sidereal constellation of Śatabhiṣā (Aquarius), the Veiling star. This lunar mansion possesses a hundred stars, is symbolized by an empty circle, ambrosia, intoxication, mystical knowledge, isolation, philosophical thinking, and is ruled by Varuna, the god of the night sky and the cosmic and terrestrial waters.

Synchronicities are presenting themselves with full power now, the energies are intensifying and are accompanied with confronting decisions or perhaps the feeling that your next steps hold the potential to significantly impact the chapter that is about to unfold. We’re peering over the edge of great change, a prelude to major planetary shifts that are pregnant with a promise of increasing clarity, ease and softening and hold the potential for a global paradigm shift. The eighteen month transition of the lunar nodes (rahu/ketu) from Taurus/Scorpio (Sidereal) into Aries/Libra on March 16th initiates this change, followed by Jupiter into Pisces April 13th and Saturn into Aquarius April 28th.

The uncertainty and pressure that you’re being met with now is teaching you something deeper about yourself — who you are and where you ultimately want to go. You may be experiencing inner conflict at the moment and know that a door is opening if you’re willing to walk through it. This is a powerful time of new beginnings if you accept the initiation process.

Śatabhiṣā nakshatra has to do with cosmic law and contains within it the shakti or power to heal and support. The purpose of life is to live everything. All things that come have a purpose — all the difficulties, triggers and apparent loss in our lives are providing us with the precise medicine that we need to dissolve the ego, and fade back into the truth of our own being.

There’s a desire, a yearning within us all, to ultimately merge back with the creator, with nature, with our higher Self. The intention and spur that motivates our action at the root, is the same and the individuals journey that plays out is very different for us all. The mind is naturally motivated to move towards greater fields of happiness and the bottom line is, we revert back to what we know and what we’ve been taught — to work with what we have, where we are in the moment. For this reason, we cannot judge another’s journey and the tools they use to reach their destination. It is after all the god of the night that makes forms fade away, and when all forms fade away, only unity remains.

Perhaps the medicine lies in coming to terms with where you’re feeling stuck and remembering why you’re trying to achieve this goal in the first place. If it’s real, it can take the pressure, the bumps in the road — it can be tested. Commit like you’ve never committed before to that which is beckoning you forward. If you’ve been feeling insecure or second guessing a decision, ask yourself, if I didn’t take this action, would I regret it in the future? Heed the call.

We’re being encouraged to move through certain experiences so we can purify the ego, rectify our path and learn from the veil of confusion that has been fogging our ability to see things as they are. Steep in your practices which move you into right relationship with Self. Self sovereignty is needed now more then ever. Stay rooted within yourself, generate a vision of peace and be there for each other.

They say all who rise, eventually converge — and that grand convergence is happening now. Keep going.

- All my Relations -

For assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please click here to Book A Consultation

Terence McKenna // “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

New Moon in Purva Ashadha: The Invincible star


Artwork from Pinterest - Artist Unknown

Our new year begins with a dark moon Sunday morning in the constellation of Purva Ashadha, the Invincible Star. This constellation is ruled by the water goddess, Apah. Besides the life giving and nurturing qualities of water, this lunar mansion is also associated with the purification of impurities and disease. This renewal brings about rejuvenation, which sustains, energizes and encourages growth. What poisons in your life need to be transmuted into a healing experience?

We are currently under the influence of Kala Sarpa yoga, where all the planets reside between Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south). This can feel unsettling, as if you’re closed in by circumstances. Have you noticed that pattern which circles around when something goes wrong or there’s a misstep? Through awareness and the confrontation with one’s shadow, purification and progress become possible.

The dark moon is conjunct Venus Retrograde who has stepped down from evening star and journeyed behind the Sun. We are walking through a rite of passage around seeing ourselves in relationship to healing old shadows and wounds. Stay present to what’s coming up for you around personal boundaries, beliefs, money, trauma in relationship and past lessons or people that are circling around. It is a time to look deeper into the self. What is being reflected back to you about your own personal beliefs through the mirror of the other? Track a little deeper this time.

Perhaps in one area or another you may find yourself in a situation where there was a misstep around a relationship with another and it’s time to excavate deeper into the part you’ve played in this story. Be the one responsible and willing to take steps towards rectifying the situation and move forward. 

Tend to the evolution of your consciousness, be willing to cleanse and shed that which is distracting you from your purpose, and step fully into your authenticity. Stay curious to what nature is attempting to teach you through the lens of that which you prefer to resist. Our responsibility is to do the inner work and then step up and contribute where we can. Have the courage to do the hard things and you will surprise yourself.

Now is not the time to contribute to that which creates separation — it’s time to see beyond our differences and come together with our tribe. Remember that everyone is doing their best. We’re not healed nor free until everyone is healed and free. Loving you all dearly and wishing you a magnificent New Year!! Many Blessings ~ All my relations

For help in navigating the current transits and year ahead, please visit to book a private consultation consultation.

Save the date: I’m delighted to be teaching a workshop on the planet of love, affection and devotion at my dear friend’s studio in Morro Bay - 9th Limb Yoga on Saturday, January 29th 2-4pm - “Secrets of Venus in Vedic Astrology & New Moon Insights.” 

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin // “Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.”

Full Moon in Mrigashira: The Searching Star

:: Pūrṇimā ::

Painting from Mankot, Himachal Pradesh, c. 1700-1725. Held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.

Pūrṇimā // The Full Moon last night was in the constellation of Mrigashira (sidereal gemini), the Searching Star. There is an inner seeking your soul is requesting of you at this time, a tracking of something higher that you can lean into, that was perhaps missing in 2021 — a hunt for a belief system you can stand on and a sense of belonging. The dismantling process may be speaking louder than the certainty of the ground beneath your feet. Some Things are unraveling in your life and other things are being revealed — as they were brought into light with the last eclipse portal. Surrender to the process — the uneasiness that is arising is often an initiation preparing you for what comes next.

Where are you clinging and attempting to hold things together where they may have already run their course? You may be feeling closed in and a sense of being trapped by your circumstances. The current transits reminds us that this is all borrowed — we come in alone and leave alone. In the meantime, this body is borrowed, the land beneath our feet, our relations, all our possessions, experiences and memories are on borrowed time. This bright moon invites us to go deeper, to excavate and go inside to reflect on our own personal beliefs and the belief systems of others.

Be willing to let the things go that are no longer contributing and fall apart so you can emerge on the other side and rise above that which has been dismantled and into your truth. Where are you resisting to take a deeper look at what is no longer working for you?

Venus has stationed retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. She steps back from her position as evening star and begins her journey behind the sun, to reappear as the morning star in late January. This is a powerful transit, a time where we are questioning a particular relationship in our lives — romantic, friendship or business relationship — it is time to reflect on our personal needs, boundaries and desires in the realm of relating. Some may be ending relationships, and others learning to welcome love in. The dance between life and death, power and devotion, boundaries and embrace will be up for investigation.

Some may be holding space for those who are going through major transitions now and others are peeling the layers away and may feel as if they’re walking through the dark night of the soul. Tend to grounding, keep your beloved's close and remain connected to your heart. Be kind, understanding, patient and nurturing to yourself and the other — be there for each other.

For I truly believe — all who rise, eventually converge. Stay curious and open to new experiences and yet on course with your deepest heart's desires. Don’t compromise short term temptation for long term fulfillment. You’re being tested at this time and having to redefine your long term commitments — the searching you are doing now will lead you towards lasting contentment if you stay true to your personal dharma (highest aligned purpose.)

If you could use some assistance in shining light on what this all means for you personally and how to navigate these times, please visit to book a private consultation or if you’d like to offer the gift of Jyotish to your loved ones I’m offering 15% off (first time readings) with code MISTLETOE when booked through 12/24.

New Moon in Jyestha: Solar Eclipse

:: Solar Eclipse ::

Artwork by HHeininge

The New Moon on Saturday lands in Jyestha Nakshatra (Sidereal Scorpio), the Elder Star. This dark moon brings our eclipse season to a close with a bang and acts as an omen of energies to come. Track what has been trying to make itself known to you in the past few weeks. You may be over analyzing and doubting your direction at the moment and feeling as if you’re picking up the pieces. Stand back and take a broader perspective. New ideas may be presenting themselves.

Many of us have been cleaning house both physically and mentally. What have you been confronted with? Some things that are worth keeping and others that are worthy of release. The choice is yours. Like doorways that are left open for a period of time and then suddenly close without notice - it’s all coming to the surface and will soon dissipate. You can choose to sweep the dust back under the rug or release that which is no longer contributing.

Perhaps you’ve been anticipating a shift, yet holding back from making your next move — and for a good reason, as this time you feel a sense of responsibility that accompanies that something that was once out along the horizon and now begins to make itself more clear.

Trust the direction that is unfolding and know that the days on either end of the eclipse are more unstable, unpredictable and edgy, and especially on a psychological level. Take your time and circle around with changes and ideas after the eclipse so you can fully process the information. Don’t rush decisions now, be patient — you have more time than you think. Release any extra pressure from your life and keep things simple the next few days. Stay positive, surround yourself with uplifting people and focus your attention on prosperity and gratitude. The ancients encouraged breathwork (pranayama), meditation and mantra practices to harness and focus the mind during the eclipse window ( 12/3 9:29pm – 1:37am PST). Ground into yourself and attune with the elemental laws of nature within.

When it comes to Jyestha things cannot remain the same, they must change. Our task is to transform our relationship to the dream — to release all stories, judgments, agreements and beliefs and notice when we soften and open in expansion and where we cling or resist in constriction... to cultivate that delicate balance between trusting in nature's course and knowing when to rise.

When that moment comes, share your truth from your heart and take all the energy you’ve been holding in reserve and have the courage to move it towards fulfilling that thing you’ve been desiring all along. There are no guarantees and yet when the time comes your intuition will be strong and your judgment correct.

If you could use deeper clarity on what that something means for you personally and how to navigate the current energies, please visit to book a private consultation. Know that I am here to support you during these times of great change. All my relations 

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer.

Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up.

We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.” ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Full Moon in Krittika: Eclipse Season

Eclipse Season

Artwork by Chani Nicholas

The full moon early Friday morning (11/19) initiates our second eclipse season of the year with a partial lunar eclipse in the constellation of Krittika (sidereal Taurus), the Star of Fire. We’re stepping into a time outside of time where things aren’t what they seem. This eclipse holds the potential for palpable transformation and purification of the soul. Diving into your spiritual practices brings speedy growth and a breath of fresh air from the shifting winds of change.

Lunar eclipses expose that which is hidden beneath the surface with an instant reveal and is an important time to see into yourself. The eclipse window will begin at 11:09PM PST Thursday, and ends at 4:03AM PST on Friday. Pūrṇimā tithi (full moon period) finds its zenith within the exaltation point of the moon at 3 degrees Taurus. 

Krittika holds the power to purity and burn the old self away to bring about the new. This transformation takes place due to Agni, the god of fire, which presides over this lunar mansion. You’re likely being confronted with pressure and discomfort is some area in your life that is encouraging you to shift. 

The same fire that burns can be used to assimilate experience into wisdom and transmute food into usable energy. Just like the Goat, a symbol for this constellation, who consumes without considering the consequences and is later presented with all that has been taken in — a time is coming when light will shine onto that situation which now lies on the horizon and you will need to confront some truth. 

What would it take for you to sit with the vulnerability you’ve been shying away from and take a deeper look into yourself? Truth will not only shine light on the process, it will also burn away and sever ties with that which is not contributing to your progress.

On November 20th Jupiter moves out of debilitation and into its final spin through Aquarius until mid April — this brings with it a renewed sense of hope. The new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio (sidereal) on December 3rd will bring closure to our two week eclipse portal and the last eclipse season in the taurus/scorpio axis for some time. Expect the unexpected, surrender to considerable life changes that are unfolding and postpone (if possible) major decisions until the second week in December. Be consistent and congruent as you ground down, stabilize and go inward. 

“None but ourselves can free our minds." ~ Bob Marley

For my full blog post and for more help in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit to book a private consultation. ~ All my relations

New Moon in Swati: The Star of Self Actualization


Artwork from Tumblr

The dark moon Thursday afternoon lands in the constellation of Swati (sidereal Libra), the Star of Self actualization. It is said that the new moon flavors the theme for the lunar month to come. This asterism lies at the heart of Libra and the zodiac, is said to be the abode of Saraswati (goddess of music and learning) is ruled by the god Vayu (wind) and symbolized by a young plant shoot blowing in the wind.

You may be feeling restless and emotionally tender. This is a good time to postpone deep emotional conversations and lean into wisdom and higher philosophy that brings a sense of grounding and inner security. Since this constellation is governed by prana (vital life force/breath) this new moon is ripe for breathwork, pranayama and meditation. Slow down, pause, go within and cultivate a sense of stabilized inner balance and harmony.

Depending on where this new moon falls in your chart, life may be presenting you with two options during this time. One which is less than ideal and more readily accessible and the other, just out of reach, yet more promising. You could choose to take the easy route and you know deep down the outcome would fall short of that which you truly desire or — you could take time and allow the option that lies on the horizon to reveal its true potential. You have more time than you think.

This Amāvásyā is celebrated as Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and marks the Vedic new year. On this dark moon families clean their homes, wear new clothes and light candles in honor of and to welcome MahaLakshmi, the eight-fold embodiment of abundance into their homes. This is a powerful time for new beginnings.

Take a moment to reflect on where you could be more adaptable in your life? And perhaps, where you may be too flexible and compromising your sense of personal sovereignty?

For more personalized guidance on what this means for you, please visit to book a consultation. ~ All my relations 

Ground yourself, strip yourself down, 

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes

~ Jalaluddin Rumi

Full Moon in Ashwini: The Star of Transport


Artwork by Carol Hagan

The Full Moon tomorrow morning will be in the constellation of Ashwini (sidereal Aries), the Star of Transport. As Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury stationed direct, this bright moon too beckons forward movement. We’ve been in a holding pattern of sorts these past months. Where you were once experiencing roadblocks, you may now be feeling the call to stride towards the goals you seek to achieve.

Ashwini is the first of twenty seven constellations in the zodiac, is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, the celestial doctors to the Gods and is symbolized by the head of a horse. Like the horse, this lunar mansion is eager to begin the journey, express it’s ideas and with a swiftness in approach. Any activity began on this day and especially around health and healing is said to bear quick results.

You may have felt the lack of momentum in one area in your life or another and as if the energy has slowed down even more the past few days. Initiating something new may have come easily these paths months yet there seemed to be no follow through. If you’ve been looking for results you may have felt frustrated in your inability to deliver or perhaps frustrated around someone or a situation you’ve been unwilling or unable to accept. This situation is about to shift.

You are being requested to take action now. Remember that you’re not in charge of the outcome — loosen your grip a little and surrender into the unknown. Anchor into your inner stillness and keep your mind open. Be willing to rise above the uncertainty of what you think may or may not happen and take the first steps, even if you’re not sure how to start. Take the highest and appropriate action that is available at this time. Stay unattached to results and the moment you begin to move forward you will find another opening, flavored with positive assurance.

Make sure to take a few minutes tonight to bathe in the rays of this most auspicious full moon, as it holds extra rejuvenating and nourishing qualities. This moon is known as Sharad Pūrṇimā  and is dedicated to Lakshmi, goddess of the eightfold qualities of both material and spiritual wealth.

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit the to book a private consultation. I’m offering 20% off readings (as reflected on my booking site) when purchased in the month of October. All my relations 

New Moon in Hasta: The Star of the Hand


Artwork by hheininge

Artwork by hheininge

The dark moon early Wednesday morning falls in Hasta Nakshatra (sidereal Virgo), the Star of the Hand. This lunar mansion is ruled by Savitṛ, the life giving aspect of the Sun, is symbolized by a hand, and it’s power or shakti lies in the ability to put one’s objects of desire into one’s hand. The receding energy is requesting us to realign with our intuition and higher thinking, and to hold the vision of that which we would like to manifest into fruition… get clear in who you are and where you want to go. The new moon brings an indication of the themes that will naturally grow within the lunation cycle and this month sparks increased personal expression and creative skills.

This new moon is extra potent as it marks the culmination of Pitru-Paksha (fortnight of our ancestors) and the day where the thinning of the veil between worlds reaches its zenith. A profound window of time has opened to connect, honor and feed our ancestors. The first night of the waxing moon also initiates the Vedic holiday of Navarātri, the nine nights of the divine feminine.

The tides are turning and things are beginning to shift. You’ve been meeting with some resistance in a certain area in your life and you may be second guessing your direction. The energy is beginning to open and turn in your favor. This doorway opens from an effortless alignment, deep surrender and listening to your truth, verse trying to grasp or control the outcome. 

This will be an impactful month as it is accompanied by many astrological transitions. The heat and tension continues to build as the new moon will conjunct the Sun and combust Mars. Saturn (10/10), Mercury (10/18) and Jupiter (10/18) all station direct. Be mindful of the days surrounding a planet as it stations and especially October 17-19, as they represent a slowing down and vulnerable point of sorts.

Image from Pinterest

Image from Pinterest

The hand can be symbolized here by a fist that grasps, clings and is attached to controlling the outcome. From another perspective, the hand can be seen as outstretched and open... in flow and aligned with being of service. These more turbulent astrological cycles are essentially moving us towards the realization that we are not the situation that we find ourselves in, nor our profession, where we live, the things we have acquired, who we surround ourselves with, nor our bodies… these configurations offer us the awareness that we are the experiencer. 

The highest yoga as taught in the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna, is to act from a state of stabilized equilibrium, for the sake of action alone and not for it’s fruits. We can still have a clear desire that we must release. When we can get out of our own way we ultimately find that when we’re unattached to the outcome the fruits are that much sweeter and fulfilling.

What have you been learning the past few weeks and months? What would it take for you to loosen your grip, even just a little and surrender? Expect the unexpected while keeping the glass half full perspective. Lean into the changes that are presenting themselves while following your heart and sticking to your personal truth.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit to schedule a private consultation and read Tulsi’s full bi- monthly.

All my Relations

Rainer Maria Rilke // “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything.”

Full Moon in Uttara Bhādrapadā: The Warrior Star



Today’s full moon is in the constellation of Uttara Bhadrapada (sidereal Pisces), the Warrior Star. This bright moon initiates the sacred fortnight of our ancestors called Pitru Paksha and falls just days before the Autumn Equinox. As the days grow shorter, it is said that the veil between this world and the next begins to grow thin and life, death and rebirth are to be celebrated.

This lunar mansion is symbolized by the back of a funeral cot and is connected to fertility of both earth and sky, excavating the unconscious, harmonizing universal mind, wisdom gained through experience, humility, self sacrifice and a compassionate heart. This is a powerful and activated full moon for transformation, connecting with those who have moved beyond and to cultivate a firm foundation in life.

The astrological weather has been quite turbulent as of late. You may feel the pressure continuing to build and as if delays continue to confront forward movement. The current energies are requesting that you loosen your grip and surrender to the process instead of giving up all together or trying to push your agenda. Do your best to stay grounded during this full moon — extra yoga and meditation will be helpful. Know that things will unfold in their own time. Stay neutral and away from diving into political, religious and potentially heated conversations, as this is not the time to be divided or create enemies. ‘Not my monkey, not my circus.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit to schedule a private consultation. All my Relations

Rilke // “I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. 

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.

Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea."

New Moon in Pūrva Phalgunī: The Fruit of the Tree


Artwork by hheininge

Artwork by hheininge

Monday’s new moon will be in the constellation of Pūrva Phalgunī (sidereal Leo), The Fruit of the Tree. The dark moon initiates the theme for the month to come and flavors our experiences. The energy is lively and ripe for cultivating creative pursuits, bringing momentum towards set goals, and merging practicality and function with enjoyment. As I mentioned last month, this new found breath of fresh air and openness has an expiration date — it’s time to get things in order, set into action and completed before the tides shift — use the next ten days wisely.

As if we’re in the eye of the storm, a great shift and disruption of sorts is around the corner. Sometimes in order to establish truth and order, disorder needs to be shaken. Pūrva Phalgunī reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that ultimately the practice of yoga teaches us how to be at ease in the presence of the unknown. The deeper you go, the more you tend to the stillness within, the more dynamic and effortless your activity becomes.

This lunar mansion relates to enjoying the comforts of life, creativity, rest, renewal, fertility, the need to express oneself, is symbolized by a swinging hammock and holds the theme of blindness. Things may not be what they seem — stay curious. Drop your stories, dissolve the veils and turn your awareness inside. 

We must be steady, and unshaken by the small and big things. Allow, embrace and surrender to the cultivation of stabilizing your awareness and capacity to be at ease with whatever comes. As we move out of the calm, your task is to be constant in your practice of tending to your connection with divinity, with the unchanging that lies within… reminding yourself again and again to BE… to be the silent witness… to rest in pure being amidst all the dismantling. Trust in the process and stay connected to your heart.

If you could use some help navigating the current celestial waters, please visit to book a private consultation. I’m offering 20% off of my one hour Vedic Astrology readings for new clients when book by 9/6 with code: LABORDAY21 ~ All my relations

Ground yourself, strip yourself down, 

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes


Full Moon in Aquarius: The Star of Symphony


Artwork by @mysticmamma

Artwork by @mysticmamma

The full moon culminates early Sunday morning within the constellation of Dhanishtha (sidereal Aquarius), the Star of Symphony. This bright moon brings with it a sense of optimism, positivity and expansion, as it’s accompanied by Jupiter. Dhanishtha bears the gifts of immaculate timing, receptivity, and rhythm which is ripe for socializing and creating music. Be open to new opportunities and the potential for manifesting your intentions.

You may feel as if everything is being dismantled and rearranged — know that you’re not alone. We’re at the balancing point between maintenance and destruction — when all that has become stale or stagnant is no longer needed and begins to unravel. Will you choose to tighten your grip or allow Nature to take her course?

If we can learn to let go of our own personal ego and and work selflessly, then we can harness the power of this constellation — which brings with it a promise of great wealth and success. Just like the drum, if we can empty ourselves, and become a hallow bone, a conduit for Source, then the rhythms of the universe can flow through us more effortlessly. Trust as you step into your receptivity and practice being at ease in the presence of the Unknown. Where can you become softer and more surrendered in your life? and where can you commit more fully?

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate these celestial waters, please visit and receive 20% off your consultation when booked before 8/25 with VEDALIFE ~ All my relations

Bruce Lee // “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

New Moon in Ashelsha: The Clinging Star


Artwork by: @@hheininge

Artwork by: @@hheininge

Sunday morning’s new moon will be in the constellation of Ashlesha (sidereal Cancer), the Clinging Star. This new moon is ripe with potential and is awaiting harvest. Notice the sense of pressure that is building in the days leading up to this transformational reset and do your best to stay grounded in the process. How will you make use of this month?

A door has been opened and offers with it forward movement where you once were experiencing road blocks. Use this time wisely and go for that which you truly desire — it’s time to make your moves. Be aware of how easily you can get swept away by the current influx of opportunity to the point where you’re unable to take a direction and commit to one thing. Know that this new found momentum will only last through early September. 

The energy of this lunar mansion can either act as a poison or a medicine. Ashleshas symbol is a coiled serpent who is ready to hypnotize and embrace it’s desired prey — whether this power is used to encourage our spiritual energy to rise and purify the subtle body or to tempt and seduce us into leaving paradise — is up to you. The degree of the new moon lands itself within one of the three karmic knots of the zodiac which offers expedited spiritual growth when utilized properly.

A pivot is available to you now — what would it take for you to commit fully? It’s time to dismantle your past conditioning and change your narrative. Allow, accept and embrace your shadows/deepest challenges — one at a time. Like you were hosting a dinner party for them all — welcome them, serve them with love to your best capacity and then bid them adieu. This will offer profound breakthroughs. Allow yourself to be surprised. 

Have you been motivated by fear or by that which your heart is being drawn towards? Sometimes we can get caught up in what is right and what is wrong. Stay curious and listen to the deeper lessons that are presenting themselves — as this will bring about a greater depth of growth. 

Just because your efforts may have not been producing results as of late doesn’t mean you need to reroute. Relish in the journey now and not the destination. Yoga and meditation practices are helpful during this month. Cultivate and deepen your commitment to the development of your consciousness. If you feel the need to rush, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time. 

How will you rewrite your story?

Carl Jung // “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”

For more in-depth, one on one guidance on how to navigate this powerful month, book a private consultation here: ~ All my relations

New Moon in Punarvasu: The Star of Renewal


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Artwork by Mystic Mamma

The new moon Friday night falls in the constellation of Purnarvasu (sidereal Gemini), the Star of Renewal. You’ve weathered the astrological storm of late and there’s a feeling in the air that resources are now at your finger tips and the light is beginning to return.

You may be feeling a little restless and thirsty to move to the next phase. Just like nature appears to me more refreshed and harmonious after a storm, this new moon brings with it a breath of fresh air — a renewal of sorts. You may feel called to amp your energy up to the next level. If you choose to pick up the pace, know that it’s easy to loose perspective and awareness when gaining momentum. Stay present, expand your awareness, and keep the big picture perspective. Don’t compromise your long term visions for the quickening of your current process.

This is a powerful time to set an intention for that which you’d like to call into fruition within the next few months and perhaps even something you’d like to circle around with for a second time. This constellation is symbolized by a quiver of arrows and represents the “return of the light.” These particular arrows are thought to be magical  — once released and the objective has been obtained they circle back around. Just like that, this renewal of energy brings with it hope for a second chance.

Mercury has stepped back into Gemini and has sparked our curiosity. This is a beautiful time to take a class, learn, write, and share that which lights you up and calls you deeper into your heart. Keep listening to your current narrative and notice how you meet the challenges that arise. We’re learning how to be at ease in the presence of the Unknown and to stay relaxed when confronted with that which we don’t prefer. Get extra rest, stay patient and remember to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others. Practice working smarter, not harder and stay in the flow of honoring Nature’s pace and timing. 

For my full blog post and more personalized guidance on how to navigate these celestial waters, please visit to book a consultation and for my bi-monthly blog

- All my relations -

Toko-pa-Turner // “To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’

Full Moon in Sagittarius: The Root Star


Artwork by: Lily Moses

Artwork by: Lily Moses

The full moon Thursday morning will be in Sagittarius (sidereal astrology) in the constellation of Mula, the Root Star. Mercury stationed direct on Tuesday and Jupiter pivoted into its four month retrograde cycle on the 20th. This full moon is inviting us to go deeper, as Mula is one of the most spiritual and investigative lunar mansions in the zodiac and lies near the galactic center.

Perhaps the very things that are dismantling and becoming unraveled in your life are the very things that will seed what comes next. Be willing to let go, take a step back and surrender to the process. Practice leaning into the dance of making lemonade out of lemons. Refrain from expressing the strong convictions that have recently surfaced and take more time to gather the whole story and stabilize that information into a living embodiment. 

Temptations may surface to fall back into old ways of relating or habits that are no longer in alignment with your highest way of walking in the world. Begin to interface what you’ve learned in the past few months with the new momentum that is beginning to dawn — keep moving forward. Give it a few more days and then forge ahead with that which has been beckoning forth.

I am most passionate about diving deep with individual clients to shine light on what wants to be tended to and grown in the moment in such a way the individual meets with less resistance and more joy along their journey — with a greater capacity to exercise their free will and rise above their karma.

To book a private consultation and talk about what the current planetary alignment means for YOU and to read my full bi-monthly astrological, blog please visit:

Ground yourself, strip yourself down,

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes


New Moon in Mrigashira: The Searching Star | Solar Eclipse

:: Solar Eclipse ::

Artwork by @astroccult

Artwork by @astroccult

The eclipse portal comes to a close early Thursday morning with the New Moon in Mrigashira nakshatra (Sidereal Taurus), the Searching Star. Consider your current dance with uncertainty as an initiation preparing you for what comes next.

The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio brought hidden truths to the surface that were ripe for healing. We’ve been visiting old ground and circling around with familiar lessons and experiences that have encouraged us to pivot inwards and sit with all that is moving through us. We’ve been in a time outside of time. What you think you knew may have been challenged in the past weeks. You may be doubting your direction at the moment and feeling as if you’re picking up the pieces. Just because things may not be working out in the way in which you thought they would, doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change what you’re devoted to.

Solar eclipses are an indicator of sorts, an omen of energies to come and are an important time to see into yourself. Track what has been trying to make itself known to you in the past few weeks. Are you listening? The energies of the eclipse are inviting you to take a deeper look below the surface, to refine and experiment with your current process.



Stand back and take a broader perspective. New ideas may be surfacing. What do you really want to commit to long term? Know that the challenges that are arising now have a purpose and perhaps embracing your vulnerability is the greatest medicine and ally at this time. You can only change yourself and as you do, so does the world around you. Stay focused, take your time to process things and allow the story to continue to unfold. Wait another week after the eclipse to initiate new beginnings.

Emotions may be heightened around the eclipse window and spiritual growth is accelerated. Stay grounded, keep your mind focused inward and surround yourself with positivity. Mrigashira is about nourishment, desire, pursuit, tracking, and seeking out where one belongs. There is an inner searching that is taking place now — a seeking of something higher that we can lean into, that has been missing in the previous months. You’re being invited to surrender to the process now.

For more personal in-depth assistance in navigating the celestial waters and my full blog post, please visit to book a private consultation. Love all ways

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” - Rumi