Full Moon in Krittika: Eclipse Season

Eclipse Season

Artwork by Chani Nicholas

The full moon early Friday morning (11/19) initiates our second eclipse season of the year with a partial lunar eclipse in the constellation of Krittika (sidereal Taurus), the Star of Fire. We’re stepping into a time outside of time where things aren’t what they seem. This eclipse holds the potential for palpable transformation and purification of the soul. Diving into your spiritual practices brings speedy growth and a breath of fresh air from the shifting winds of change.

Lunar eclipses expose that which is hidden beneath the surface with an instant reveal and is an important time to see into yourself. The eclipse window will begin at 11:09PM PST Thursday, and ends at 4:03AM PST on Friday. Pūrṇimā tithi (full moon period) finds its zenith within the exaltation point of the moon at 3 degrees Taurus. 

Krittika holds the power to purity and burn the old self away to bring about the new. This transformation takes place due to Agni, the god of fire, which presides over this lunar mansion. You’re likely being confronted with pressure and discomfort is some area in your life that is encouraging you to shift. 

The same fire that burns can be used to assimilate experience into wisdom and transmute food into usable energy. Just like the Goat, a symbol for this constellation, who consumes without considering the consequences and is later presented with all that has been taken in — a time is coming when light will shine onto that situation which now lies on the horizon and you will need to confront some truth. 

What would it take for you to sit with the vulnerability you’ve been shying away from and take a deeper look into yourself? Truth will not only shine light on the process, it will also burn away and sever ties with that which is not contributing to your progress.

On November 20th Jupiter moves out of debilitation and into its final spin through Aquarius until mid April — this brings with it a renewed sense of hope. The new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio (sidereal) on December 3rd will bring closure to our two week eclipse portal and the last eclipse season in the taurus/scorpio axis for some time. Expect the unexpected, surrender to considerable life changes that are unfolding and postpone (if possible) major decisions until the second week in December. Be consistent and congruent as you ground down, stabilize and go inward. 

“None but ourselves can free our minds." ~ Bob Marley

For my full blog post and for more help in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit https://eyesoftheveda.as.me/schedule.php to book a private consultation. ~ All my relations