New Moon in Revatī: The Wealthy Star


Art Deco by Carline Smith

The dark moon late tonight lands at the end of the zodiac, in the constellation of Revatī , the Wealthy Star. Revatī holds the energy contained within the gap, the source codes which usher the transition from one ending into a new beginning. This new moon marks the culmination of what many could frame as a year of uncertainty and instability and welcomes the astrological new year with the Sun and Moon in Sidereal Pisces. Some calculate and predict the year ahead from this point. With three major astrological shifts in April, accompanied by accelerated fertility, gesturing in the horizontal direction — this month holds the potential for long term growth.

You may be experiencing an increase in cabin pressure. Remember to put your oxygen mask on first before helping anyone else. The tipping point is approaching, you may feel as if you’ve been standing on edge, peering into your hopes, dreams and desires that are just out of reach — as your energy has been preoccupied elsewhere. Overwhelmed and frustrated that you’ve been distracted from your crystal clear vision. Consider trusting the process and perhaps leaning into the idea that whatever is occupying your time now, just may lead to nurturing and protecting the path you ultimately wish to walk.

Restrain from making impulsive decisions this month.  If you feel the need to rush into the shift that is at your fingertips, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time. Wait until the dust settles and eclipse season (4/30-5/15) has its way with you. We’re on the precipice of a global and personal paradigm shift. You won’t recognize yourself in a few weeks. Keep it simple, stay grounded, in your heart and brave enough to live your truth.

- All my relations -

"To be free comes not from changing or fixing this world, but from seeing this world as it is and opening the heart in the midst of it." ~ J. Krishnamurthi

If you could use some help navigating the current celestial waters, please visit Vedic Astrology Reading to book a private consultation.

  • March 31st/April 1: New Moon in Revati — sidereal Pisces

  • April 13th: Jupiter enters sidereal Pisces

  • April 14: Sun enters sidereal Aries. Important practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on this day

  • April 16th: Full Moon in Chitra — sidereal Libra

  • April 28th: Saturn enters sidereal Aquarius 

  • April 30th: Partial Solar Eclipse & New Moon in Bharani — sidereal Aries