New Moon in Swati: The Star of Self Actualization


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The dark moon Thursday afternoon lands in the constellation of Swati (sidereal Libra), the Star of Self actualization. It is said that the new moon flavors the theme for the lunar month to come. This asterism lies at the heart of Libra and the zodiac, is said to be the abode of Saraswati (goddess of music and learning) is ruled by the god Vayu (wind) and symbolized by a young plant shoot blowing in the wind.

You may be feeling restless and emotionally tender. This is a good time to postpone deep emotional conversations and lean into wisdom and higher philosophy that brings a sense of grounding and inner security. Since this constellation is governed by prana (vital life force/breath) this new moon is ripe for breathwork, pranayama and meditation. Slow down, pause, go within and cultivate a sense of stabilized inner balance and harmony.

Depending on where this new moon falls in your chart, life may be presenting you with two options during this time. One which is less than ideal and more readily accessible and the other, just out of reach, yet more promising. You could choose to take the easy route and you know deep down the outcome would fall short of that which you truly desire or — you could take time and allow the option that lies on the horizon to reveal its true potential. You have more time than you think.

This Amāvásyā is celebrated as Diwali, the Festival of Lights, and marks the Vedic new year. On this dark moon families clean their homes, wear new clothes and light candles in honor of and to welcome MahaLakshmi, the eight-fold embodiment of abundance into their homes. This is a powerful time for new beginnings.

Take a moment to reflect on where you could be more adaptable in your life? And perhaps, where you may be too flexible and compromising your sense of personal sovereignty?

For more personalized guidance on what this means for you, please visit to book a consultation. ~ All my relations 

Ground yourself, strip yourself down, 

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes

~ Jalaluddin Rumi