New Moon in Punarvasu: The Star of Renewal


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Artwork by Mystic Mamma

The new moon Friday night falls in the constellation of Purnarvasu (sidereal Gemini), the Star of Renewal. You’ve weathered the astrological storm of late and there’s a feeling in the air that resources are now at your finger tips and the light is beginning to return.

You may be feeling a little restless and thirsty to move to the next phase. Just like nature appears to me more refreshed and harmonious after a storm, this new moon brings with it a breath of fresh air — a renewal of sorts. You may feel called to amp your energy up to the next level. If you choose to pick up the pace, know that it’s easy to loose perspective and awareness when gaining momentum. Stay present, expand your awareness, and keep the big picture perspective. Don’t compromise your long term visions for the quickening of your current process.

This is a powerful time to set an intention for that which you’d like to call into fruition within the next few months and perhaps even something you’d like to circle around with for a second time. This constellation is symbolized by a quiver of arrows and represents the “return of the light.” These particular arrows are thought to be magical  — once released and the objective has been obtained they circle back around. Just like that, this renewal of energy brings with it hope for a second chance.

Mercury has stepped back into Gemini and has sparked our curiosity. This is a beautiful time to take a class, learn, write, and share that which lights you up and calls you deeper into your heart. Keep listening to your current narrative and notice how you meet the challenges that arise. We’re learning how to be at ease in the presence of the Unknown and to stay relaxed when confronted with that which we don’t prefer. Get extra rest, stay patient and remember to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others. Practice working smarter, not harder and stay in the flow of honoring Nature’s pace and timing. 

For my full blog post and more personalized guidance on how to navigate these celestial waters, please visit to book a consultation and for my bi-monthly blog

- All my relations -

Toko-pa-Turner // “To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’