The full moon this evening landed in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Swati, the Star of Self actualization. Today, Lord Hanumans birthday is also celebrated (26/27) - honoring the embodiment of devotion and courage. New awareness around love and relationship begin to dawn, healing of inner and outer divisions start to mend, fresh projects and ideas move forward with full power, and themes around communication, business, compromise and balance circle around front and center.
With this full moon comes the fruition of the seeds planted at the time of the new moon in Revati (sidereal pisces). The new moon initiated a month of self sovereignty — a time for gathering details and holding a big picture perspective for that which we yearned to call into your life. As the full moon approached, many have been feeling exhausted and thirsty to embrace a shift.
Swati has the power to “Scatter like the wind” — thus, we must stay adaptable yet firmly grounded. Loosen your grip on the idea that you have control over the outcome of your actions and act from a place of balance and responsibility. Move beyond the idea of accomplishment and failure, winning and loosing and know that big shifts take time. The tides are shifting and you’re now being encouraged to move forward and into action. Circle around with those projects and connections that may have lost steam in the past weeks. Move slowly, with patience and release attachment to the fruits of your efforts. ‘Act for the sake of action along’, as Lord Krishna taught in the Bhagavad Gita.
For personalized guidance on how to navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Consultations. ~ All my relations
Hanuman Jayanti // As the embodiment of humility, devotion, strength, courage, power and friendship, Hanuman is known best for being the loyal and devoted servant of Lord Ram. As legend depicts, Hanuman was quite mischievous and one day become very tall so that he could take a bite out of the sun which he mistook to be an orange. This resulted in Indra, the king of the gods, to curse him to forget his own god like powers/nature. It is said that Tulsidas (16th century poet, composer) wrote the 42 verses of the Hanuman Chalisa, to not only phrase Hanumans greatness but also to remind him of his true nature and awaken him from his curse. In his remembrance, he as able to serve Lord Ram, the embodiment of dharma. As my Father Jimmy mentioned to me this morning, “may we become like him.”
जय श्री राम!
“I am staring out of the window in an extremely dark mood, feeling helpless. Then a friend, a fellow artist, calls to wish me happy holidays. He asks, “How are you?” And instead of “Oh, fine — and you?”, I blurt out the truth: “Not well. Not only am I depressed, I can’t seem to work, to write; it’s as though I am paralyzed, unable to write anything more in the novel I’ve begun. I’ve never felt this way before, but the election…” I am about to explain with further detail when he interrupts, shouting: “No! No, no, no! This is precisely the time when artists go to work — not when everything is fine, but in times of dread. That’s our job!’ I felt foolish the rest of the morning, especially when I recalled the artists who had done their work in gulags, prison cells, hospital beds; who did their work while hounded, exiled, reviled, pilloried. And those who were executed. This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal. I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom. Like art.”
~ Toni Morrison