Astrological Blog: Pulse of the Stars

:: Amāvásyā ::

In the days leading up to the new moon you may have been experiencing a lingering sense of anxiety, frustration, fatigue, impatience and perhaps have felt more vulnerable than usual. The new moon early Saturday morning takes place in Sidereal Aquarius within the constellations of Pūrva Bhādrapadā  - the Burning pair.

This potent new moon beckons metamorphosis as the asterism is defined by life and death, rebirth, tapas (penance), perseverance, and transformational fires. Confronting energies are beckoning us to change.

Sometimes we may be unclear in which direction to take, where we tend to second guess what we want and other times our path becomes crystal clear. You may have been confronted in one area or another in your life which has revealed to you the exact direction in which you should move. Even if you didn’t prefer the way in which the message was delivered to you, do your best to catch the opportunity for growth.

This confrontation of sorts has most likely triggered frustration or angry to surface in your life. Keep watch on allowing this frustration to guide your actions and know that this will only take you out of the frying pan and into the fire — ultimately magnifying your current situation. Instead, get curious on what these emotions are revealing to you. Allow the energies to settle and act from a place of humility and inspiration. 

The path you’ve considered many times is open to you now and it may not appear to be alignment with what you previously thought you wanted. Stop seconding guessing, doubting and back tracking your actions. Move in the direction of that which you’ve been desiring and know you may need to change your approach. This time around you will need to commit fully in order to make the change you seek. It will not be easy — you will have to stay steady, determined, humble and devoted — you will eventually live into the embodied realization that this is exactly what you need.

The energies are building and we are essentially being invited to set and define clear goals for ourselves. The goals we set and our full commitment to them will define this next month. Be mindful of your your words and actions during this time as they can potentially be explosive. We’re going through a global shift and rite of passage around creativity, love and relationships. Stay grounded, open and patient — learn to love unconditionally. Remain neutral and unswayed by outsides influences and listen to your own inner guidance — to your unchanging nature.

For more personalized in-depth guidance on how to navigate these celestial waters please visit the link in my bio to book a Vedic Astrology Consultation. All my relations 

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.

- Alan Watts

:: Pūrṇimā ::

Artwork by Hans Walor

Artwork by Hans Walor

The Full Moon (Purnima) on Saturday (2/27) morning will be in the constellation of Purva Phalguni (sidereal Leo), the star of fertility. The momentum is beginning to build and clarity is dawning. The new moon on the eleventh initiated a time of surrendering your efforts to a higher power and that of deep listening. We’ve been invited to practice leaning into being an instrument of the divine and trusting in the presence of the Unknown. 

The tension of six planets conjunct in (sidereal) Capricorn, especially around responsibility, has began to disperse. The aggravation of Mar’s stay in Aries, and Mercury’s Retrograde have meet with their completion and the energies are beginning to lighten over the next weeks to come. If you feel the need to rush into things as the the current restrictions begin to soften, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time.The aggravation of Mar’s stay in Aries, and Mercury’s Retrograde have meet with their completion and the energies are beginning to lighten over the next weeks to come. If you feel the need to rush into things as the the current restrictions begin to soften, rush like a royal elephant — just one step at a time.

The things you have been desiring and perhaps second guessing are available to you now. You may have apprehension around the steps it will take to get there, yet the opportunity awaits and the fruit is ripe for the taking. You’ve put in your research and thought about it over and over. Your task is to stop overthinking and take action steps in the direction of that which you desire. 

Purva Phalguni nakshatra (constellation) relates to creativity, devotion, rest and rejuvenation, fertility, union of opposites, and procreation; is ruled by Venus, the deity Bhaga, who is known for bestowing pleasure and delight, and is symbolized by a swinging hammock, a fire place, good luck, prosperity and reaping the fruits of your good karmas. This constellation reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that ultimately the practice of yoga teaches us how to stay at ease no matter what comes.

What would it take to cultivate the practice of staying relaxed when being confronted with the Unknown?

The veil is lifting and we’re beginning to see the issues that have stood in our way. Now we know what needs to be done to navigate the changes that are necessary to bring about the openness and evolution that we seek in our lives. A little struggle brings with it a promise of a breakthrough to come. Stay grounded and begin to move in the direction that lights you up.

Where in your life do you feel most alive? This full moon invites you to lean into the comforts of life, to express yourself creatively and to enjoy more time in play.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to book a consultation. ~ Love All ways // All my Relations

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -Toko-pa-Turner

:: NEW MOON ::

Artwork by Caroline Manière

Artwork by Caroline Manière

Tomorrow morning’s new moon takes place in the last degree of sidereal Capricorn in Dhanishtha, the Star of Symphony. The new moon (amāvásyā) initiates the beginning of a cycle and sets the theme for the month to come. The Sun and Moon are accompanied by four other planets, all within the lunar mansion of Shravana. These energies beckon a month of listening to your intuition, the unspoken words of others and the pauses in-between.

Past memories and experiences have circled around and triggered old patterns to take you for a spin. We’re at the balancing point between maintenance and destruction — when all that has become stale or stagnant is no longer needed and begins to unravel. Will you choose to tighten your grip or allow Nature to take her course?

This chaos is as ancient as the story woven by your ancestors and is an integral part of your evolutionary journey. As new issues surface, part of you may feel as if you’ve already walked down this path and may be second guessing your direction. How could you reframe your vision on this current situation? Perhaps this unraveling is the very medicine needed to pivot you in the direction you’ve been aiming to travel all along. Just as, the very process of emerging from the cocoon provides the butterfly’s wings with the fluid needed to be able to take flight.

The shift you’re seeking may be taking longer than anticipated — this doesn’t mean that you’re going in the wrong direction. Perhaps you’re trying to reroute and course correct before there is any need to panic at all. Some adapting to the current situation is being requested of you and do your best not to get sidetracked by the bumps in the road. Know that it is not the time to give up.

The pressure is building and your initial response may be to tighten your grip on the reigns and push forward even stronger. How can you respond to this chaos in a different way than before? Lean into the grace of that which you do not prefer and you will find new information and solutions presenting themselves to you. Get decisive — choose a direction, work selflessly and stick to it. This is also a perfect time to be playing and listening to music.

Just like the drum, when we become a conduit for Source, when we can become like a hallow bone, the rhythms of the universe can flow through us more effortlessly. Step into your receptivity and trust in the presence of the Unknown.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to book a consultation. ~ All my relations 

“Ground yourself, strip yourself down, to blind, loving silence. Stay there, until you see You are gazing at the Light With its own ageless eyes.” - Rumi

On February 20th Mercury goes direct, the 21st Mars will move out of Aries (own sign) where it’s been quite aggravated, and then slowly, slowly beginning with Sun, five of the six planets (except Saturn) will move into Aquarius and begin to soften the restrictions that many are feeling - culminating with Jupiter transitioning out of debilitation on April 5th. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


Artwork by buffalogypsyjewelry

Today’s full moon landed in the asterism of Pushya (Sidereal Cancer), the Star of Nourishment. We all crave a sense of sovereignty within ourselves and furthermore yearn for belonging amongst tribe. This lunar mansion is symbolized by the milk yielding utter of the cow who is impartial to all that she nourishes. Without question, thought of return, or reason, the mother gives love unconditionally. If we can learn to lean into serving and showing up for others in a truly selfless way we can begin to harness the mystical energies of this lunar mansion.

The personal Shakti (power) of this nakshatra, initiates the ability to harness creative and spiritual energy which in turn provides the wisdom and abundance to nourish both the spiritual and material worlds. This is one of the most favorable constellations for beginning any activity. Ground down through breathwork, meditation, and japa to stay centered and connect with others through simple and dharma nurturing activities such as home cooked meals, being outdoors and in stepped in spiritual practices.

How are you feeling? The energies appear to be calm, yet, have you noticed what’s stirring beneath it all? When’s the last time you truly sat down, watched, listened? Stay curious and track a little deeper this time. Notice how you’re contributing to the current narrative and remember that you only have control over your actions and responses alone. Keep it simple, stay rested and nurture your spiritual senses, while cultivating a greater belonging.

Mercury goes retrograde on Saturday through February 21st. Back up your devices, leave extra time for travel, and prepare to circle around and dust off old projects circle you’ve placed on the back burner. For more in-depth guidance on how to navigate the current astrological energies, please book visit the link in my bio to book a one on one consultation with yours truly. Love all ways. 

Artwork by @buffalogypsyjewelry - check her IG and Etsy page for inspiration and to purchase her prints. Thank you for your brilliant creations!

“Enter that which you have been longing to become - we resist that which makes us uncomfortable.” ~ Hafiz  

:: NEW MOON ::

Artwork by Dina Lockridge

Artwork by Dina Lockridge

The first new moon of the year finds itself in the lunar mansion of Uttarashada, the Universal Star (Sidereal Sagittarius). A cycle that initiates a powerful reset and time for inward reflection. Find strength to surrender your efforts instead of pushing forward. Your efforts thus far have not been in vain and yet are most likely being met with resistance. Perhaps a new approach all around will aid in the momentum you seek. Take a step back towards a more universal perspective and remember the spark that lead you down this path in the first place.

There are answers upon the horizon that are available to you now. Broaden your perspective and choose steps towards any of the available pathways that move you in the direction you’ve been seeking. Do your best not to get lost in the details and know that this path too may also be met with a reroute down the road. The change you seek may not come about as you think it will. Perhaps taking a step back and slowing down will yield greater results than you expect. Practice doing less — yoga is in cultivating effortless action.

Stay neutral, rested and keep your immunity strong. Cultivate a sense of devotion and lean towards illuminating your inner truth. Focus on your needs (not your wants), remain in integrity and a lasting victory will be yours. 

The first new moon of the year beckons fertile soil to plant the seeds which you’d like to find momentum for not only the next lunation cycle and also for the year to come. Take a moment to write down an intention or two — get clear, offer it to the universe and then let it go. For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit the link in my bio to book a consultation. Love all ways

“Wherever you are is the entry point”. ~ Kabir


Photo by Mysticmamma

Photo by Mysticmamma

Right now we’re in a time outside of time, where things aren’t what they seem. The eclipse portal has delivered great confrontation with the unknown, as promised and continues to encourage all that has been hidden to be brought to the surface. Perhaps you’ve lost curiosity around the current situation you find yourself in. Know that there is light at the end of the tunnel — keep going.

The New Moon (12/14) in Jyestha Nakshatra (Sidereal Scorpio), the Chief star, is a Solar eclipse which is an indicator of sorts — an omen of energies to come. Track what has been trying to make itself known to you in the past few weeks. You may be doubting your direction at the moment and feeling has if you’re picking up the pieces. You’re doing great work — you can do hard things. Stand back and take a broader perspective. New ideas may be surfacing.

 With this reveal comes an unraveling and a dissolving. This is an important time to see into yourself. Perhaps the tumbling in the waves has been the precise medicine needed to draw you in a little deeper and encourage you to shift your perspective. We are being invited to pay a little more attention to the things we have control over and step into the vulnerability that has circled around. Don’t waste your time trying to hold everything together. Let go and you may find that the very process of welcoming things to fall apart is in fact the very experience necessary in order to birth something new.

Not my monkeys, not my circus. You can only change and work on yourself. No matter how strongly you feel the need to hold on to something right now or piece together something that is falling apart, you may not be able to. Things may not turn out the way you think they will — allow yourself to be surprised. Don’t bypass this opportunity for growth because its too uncomfortable. Observe the story as it continues to unfold. You are being given the opportunity to step powerfully into taking responsibility for your own spiritual evolution — go deeper. What would it take for you to stop resisting that which you don’t prefer? Welcome it all, the beauty, the terror, the rapture, the turbulent energies pulling you down — be with it and let it go.  It may not be comfortable nor easy and it will definitely will be worth it. 

During eclipse windows emotions and worries can become amplified and you may feel more stressed and insecure than usual. Things are becoming unglued. To best utilize the energies of the eclipse the ancient seers recommended being more inward, to keep things simple, stay rested, and focus on your spiritual practices. Tend to your relationship with Great Spirit, nature, higher power, divinity, and that which ultimately attunes you to your True Nature. Steep yourself in mantra, meditation, breathwork, your spiritual sadhana, fasting and or prayer during the eclipse window. Drop stories and postpone major decisions another week or so and listen for the revelations that are making themselves known.

For deeper clarification on what this means for you personally and how to navigate the current energies with more ease and grace, please visit: To book a consultation. Don’t keep me a secret and know that I am here to support you during these unprecedented times. I’m currently offering Vedic Astrology sessions via the phone/Zoom. Love All Ways

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner. So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer. Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up. We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.”

~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


Art by: Lori Menna of @cosmiccollage

Art by: Lori Menna of @cosmiccollage

Eclipse season begins Monday, November 30th at 1:11am pst with a full moon, lunar eclipse in Rohini nakshatra (Sidereal Taurus), the star of Ascent. This will be the first of six eclipses within the Taurus/Scorpio axis over the next 18 months. Eclipses come in pairs and occasionally three in a row. A total solar eclipse will follow on the morning of December 14th in Scorpio and will set the theme for the next 6 months to come.

Lunar eclipses are a trigger of sorts that bring about unexpected, immediate and karmic transformation. You may find yourself dancing between growth and decay, expansion and contraction and torn between which path to take. Your mind may feel distracted, overwhelmed and pulled in many directions. Quite often when we feel threatened we become even more attached. Perhaps that which may appear to be falling apart is the very transformation requesting to be birthed that will likely bring about a greater shift than you could create on your own. 

Remember what you were devoted to in the first place and why? Keep it simple - focus on the task at hand and practice being unattached to the fruits of your actions. Trust and lean into the presence of the unknown. Allow necessary emotional shifts to take place and be willing to find closure and let go of that which is no longer contributing. Even if you feel that it is not possible, slow down, relax, take things less seriously and know that your vision may be altered at this moment. 

To utilize the energies of an eclipse the ancients pivoted inwards and recommended staying indoors and tending to your spiritual practices through mantra, meditation, fasting and or prayer. This is the time to ground down, get extra rest, and post pone major decisions and action steps until at least a few days after the Solar Eclipse. Rohini nakshatra, the moon’s favorite lunar mansion has the special power (shakti) to make all things grow. Spend more time tapping into a deeper sense of creativity and you’ll be surprised at what manifests. Grateful for you and please stay healthy and safe. Love All Ways. 

Don’t keep me a secret. To book for yourself or a beloved use code: GRATITUDE for 20% off readings when purchasing by Saturday 11/28:

Book Here

“Try not to resist the changes that come your way. Instead let life live through you. And do not worry that your life is turning upside down. How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?” - Rumi



The new moon on the evening of November 14th will be in the lunar mansion of Vishakha, the Star of Purpose. This new moon coincides with the Vedic Festival of Lights, Diwali (Deepavali). Diwali celebrates the victory of light over darkness, Ganapati the remover of obstacles and Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth. The energy of abundance resides within homes and spaces that are clean. This is the evening to clean up your home and light candles to welcome the eight fold blessings of Mahalakshmi. This festival also marks a time of setting intentions for the year to come.

Vishakha nakshatra is symbolized by a triumphal arch, means two-branched, and is ruled by both Indra, the thunder god and Agni the god of fire. These energies invoke the shakti of devotion, ambition and courage to achieve many goals and the ability to clean out the old and in turn, build something new. There is much work to be done — keep your motivations in check and directed towards the highest good for all involved. This next month can be defined by the goals we set for ourselves. Libra the sign of peace and balance is requesting us to focus our attention on building and maintaining balance — which can easily be challenged.


Mars has stationed direct and brings with it a breath of fresh air. All that mars represents is being magnified at this time — continue leaning into the uncertainty, stay rested and lay low for another few days. We’re collectively turning a corner and stepping into a period of increased clarity and momentum. Venus will move out of debilitation and into Libra on November 16th and Jupiter will join Saturn in Capricorn on November 19th. The energetic push forward, stability, and discipline to achieve what we desire is stepping into play — along with a sense of hope.

You’re most likely being pulled in two different directions. Take a broader perspective around the two paths the are being presented right now and as you get in touch with the innocence of that which you truly desire, you will be met with the courage to overcome the very fears which have been holding you back. Where can you step more powerfully into taking responsibility for your own happiness?

For more on navigating the celestial weather, join me Sunday 11/15 for a New Moon Women’s circle 5pm pst (please rsvp to and for in-depth, personalized guidance, please visit to book a consultation. Love all ways.

"If you light a lamp for someone else, it will also brighten your path" - Buddha


Artwork by The Awakened State

Artwork by The Awakened State

The Full Moon Saturday morning will be in the lunar mansion of Bharani (Sidereal astrology), the Star of Restraint. This nakshatra is fierce, has to do with death, rebirth, transformation, fertility, playfulness and nourishment, is ruled by Yama, the God of death and symbolized by the female sexual organs. There is a lot of restless energy in the air. You have yet to meet with the clarity and momentum you’ve been seeking and are most likely feeling stuck. Things are up in the air and times are unpredictable - this too shall pass.


Continue to lay low and keep things simple. Surrender to the changes at hand and keep a big picture perspective. Stick to your truth and hold clear boundaries. Remain as uninvolved as you can with any potential eruptions of anger, frustration and potential uprising of violence that may unfold in the next weeks to come - do your best not to contribute to this.  

Be in remembrance of your ancestors as the veil is thin around this potent blue moon. Practice leaning into the unseen and tend to your spiritual growth as there is great spiritual potential during this time. Stay balanced, hydrated and rested. For more personalized guidance on how to navigate these challenging times, please click here to book a consultation. Be well and stay safe. Love all ways.

“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them.

Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain but for the heart to conquer it.

Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength.

Let me not crave in anxious fear to be saved but hope for the patience to win my freedom.

Grant that I may not be a coward, feeling Your mercy in my success alone;

But let me find the grasp of Your hand in my failure.”

~Rabindranath Tagore~

:: NEW MOON ::

Art Nouveau - Pinterest

Art Nouveau - Pinterest

We’ve been dancing with familiar patterns and core triggers that have circled around as opportunities for expansion and growth. Have you been utilizing these energies to propel you forward into the unknown and ultimately breakthrough to the other side or have you been swept away by the current? Perhaps both. The invitation is to lean in a little deeper. 

The new moon on Friday, October 16th will be in the last degree of sidereal Virgo in the lunar mansion of Chitra, the Star of Opportunity. This asterism is very dynamic, creative and full of energy and is ruled by the celestial architect, Tvastar, who is said to be able to create brilliant and delightful masterpieces out of seemingly nothing at all. The energies associated with this nakshatra have to do with the artist who aims to perfect form and the practice of mediation as a means to open up to one’s true nature. 

We are learning to lean into the unknown and go deeper with our personal judgements, fears, frustrations and projections. What would it feel like to turn in and trace these triggers back to their original source? Reflect and question, how are these reactions holding me back and taking away from fully responding and participating with life’s current flow? All emotions are valid and how long will you allow them to lead? Take responsibility, complete a cycle for once and all or at least shine light on the root cause of what appears to be taking place on the surface. There is an opportunity for resolution at this time.

The pearl is revealed through the breaking of the oysters shell just as the True Self is found in the dissolution of the ego — the identification with the physical self. Art is quite often born out of the artists moments of irritation and depression. This transition may not be easy, as the defense mechanisms of the ego are being broken down, we come face to face with our greatest fears and in  the process, all that is not you is stripped away. There’s an old saying, ‘to truly live, we must die first.’ We can look to the pressure we’re experiencing now as the very energies necessary to forge our journey to wake up both individually and collectively.

Mercury Retrograde circles around in Libra (through November 3rd) and beckons us to redo, reflect and get reorganized. Dust off old projects you’ve placed on the back burner, take a load off and let go of extra things around your home and office space. Get plenty of rest, leave extra time while traveling and lay low. Reflect and gain clarity now as momentum to begin new projects is just around the corner — do you and keep it simple. 

As if we are moving through a rite of passage of sorts, we are being encouraged to excavate a little deeper into the questions now. Great healing and speedy progress are available at this time and especially around relationships, as Venus goes debilitated from October 23rd - November 16th. Saturday begins a very special festival in the Vedic calendar known as Navaratri, or the nine nights where the Divine Mother is honored. Use these energies for a higher purpose now. Go deeper, get stabilized, seize the opportunity and take life one day at a time. Love all ways!

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate these challenging times, please click here to book a consultation and you’re all welcome to join me for our free upcoming virtual Women’s gatherings on the New 10/16 and Full Moon 10/31 - Please RSVP to - More info here xx

"In search of yourself, you'll lose yourself.

Leave the little river and join the big river.

Why do you carry the burden of the world on your shoulders like an ox?

Change your direction and become one with the Universe."



Art By Capricorn Press

Art By Capricorn Press

The full moon on Thursday (October 1st) afternoon will be in Uttarabhadrapada (sidereal pisces), the Warrior Star. This nakshatra (lunar mansion) is symbolized by the back of a funeral cot and is connected to fertility of both earth and sky, excavating the unconscious, harmonizing universal mind, wisdom gained through experience, kundalini shakti, humility, self sacrifice and a compassionate heart. This is a powerful and activated full moon for transformation and expansion of consciousness. 

The astrological weather has been quite turbulent as of late. You may be feeling as if the deadlines are pressing and you have too much on your plate. Exhaustion is on the rise and old karmic patterns have circled around front and center. Shake it off. Last night Saturn stationed direct in Capricorn and with it, a promise of momentum to come. For the next couple days the energy is low as Saturn is at a stand still. Hang in there. This energy is requesting us to rise higher, to a big picture perspective. This weekend Mars moves through the gandanta point (karmic knot) yet again and back into Pisces. Continue to stay grounded, move at the pace of a royal elephant, just one pace at a time and take it extra easy, especially while traveling. Not my monkey, not my circus is a mantra worth contemplating and especially before saying or doing something you may regret later. Give it another week or so for the momentum to ground and Ketu (the south node) to move out of the gandanta point (Oct 7th) and know that a fresh start is around the corner. 

The current lessons that have been requesting, or shall I say demanding our attention, have had many of us preoccupied with reviewing our values, direction in life, finding and holding on to our truth, while staying firm and clear in our own personal boundaries. Saturn retrograde has given as an opportunity to review our sense of responsibility and hold the mirror up to mistakes we’ve made in the past, and unconscious patterns we may have left on repeat. We are being gifted a miraculous opportunity to up-level and expedite our growth of consciousness. Holding on to these old ways, which may feel more comfortable in this moment, will ultimately leave you to being swept away by the strong current.

Through your spiritual practices you gain more and more access to exercising your free will, which in turn will allow you pivot to higher ground. As you shine the light of awareness and reflect on these patterns, you will learn to optimize these potent times by forging a new path. When you consciously choose to re-route and re-write your story you are empowering the collective consciousness to do the very same. Just like, in the Butterly effect, even small minute shifts can have a non-linear impact on the greater whole. 

As you dance at the edge of uncertainty, know that karma is truly unfathomable and that this too shall pass. I think Rumi said it best, ‘Try something different. Surrender.’ Continue to lean into the mystery of these uncertain times with a compassionate heart. Keep your energy high and flowing, stay rested and tend to your practices as you integrate and cultivate your relationship with yourself daily. Remember that we’re in this together. Love All Ways ~

Full Moon Yoga and Meditation with Becca Zimble and I @rafilounge Malibu tomorrow, Wednesday at 7:30pm! For more personal, in-depth guidance on how you can specifically navigate these powerful, celestial waters, and for my full astrological blog please visit by booking site: Jyotish Astrology Consultation

PS Mercury goes retrograde in Libra October 13-November 3rd

"I believe in all that has never yet been spoken. I want to free what waits within me so that what no one has dared to wish for may for once spring clear without my contriving. 

If this is arrogant, God, forgive me, but this is what I need to say. May what I do flow from me like a river, no forcing and no holding back, the way it is with children.

 Then in these swelling and ebbing currents, these deepening tides moving out, returning, I will sing you as no one ever has, streaming through widening channels into the open sea."

~ Rainer Maria Rilke ~

:: NEW MOON ::


The new moon yesterday morning was in Uttaraphalguni (Sidereal Virgo), the Star of Patronage. The energies of this lunation cycle are beckoning practical new beginnings, prosperity and gains through unions and partnerships of all kinds and acts of service which are based in authentic heart offerings. Continue to stay patient another couple weeks — as seemingly unpredictable and transformative as these moments appear, they are preparing us for what comes next — just as, the very process and struggle the butterfly undergoes to break free of the cocoon, spreads the fluid from the body into it’s wings. Without this struggle, the butterfly wouldn’t be able to fly.

The courage that is being requested of us at this time is to stay connected to one’s true Self, to your authentic heart and from there, to be of service to those around you. Uttaraphalguni is not only about being of service to those who we love and adore, rather to those outside of our immediate circle. So many are in need and a little aid will go further than you can imagine. What is one way you could give back to your greater community or even a stranger?

Even though the momentum is beginning to build, keep postponing major life decision, if possible, until after the first week of October. With Mars retrograde and dancing around the gandanta point (karmic not), it’s important to pace yourself and not run with this new found, emerging energy — it’s easy to burn out during this transit which culminates mid November. Allow it all to live through you, unattached yet a little more involved, moment to moment. Continue to get grounded and stabilize amidst as the tides change. Keep up with your daily practices and especially pranayama. Stay gentle and forgiving, yet firm and courageous. Stay true to yourself and you too will awaken to find yourself stepping into the truth that being of service is truly an absolute joy. Love all ways

“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” ~ Rabindranath Tagore 


Art by @cosmiccollage

Art by @cosmiccollage

The new moon on August 18th was in Magha (Sidereal Leo) nakshatra, the Star of Power, which set the tone for this current lunation cycle. Magha is positioned at the heart of Leo, is symbolized by a royal throne and is represented by divine guidance, our ancestors, legacy, having an eye for tradition, prosperity, natural authority, courage and ambition. 

During the new moon many planets were transiting a vulnerable and transformative point in the sky, at the edge between water and fire signs. This gandanta point is represented by a karmic knot that can stir up and invoke old habit patterns. These energies can either be utilized to propel us forward in the breaking down of old patterns or can drag us back into the washing machine effect of being sucked into the same old stories over and over again. The choice is yours.

The full moon on Tuesday, September 1st will take place in Shatabhishak (Sidereal Aquarius) nakshatra, the Veiling Star. This lunar mansion possesses a hundred stars, is symbolized by an empty circle, a hundred celestial healers or medicines, ambrosia, intoxication, mystical knowledge, hidden secrets, isolation, silent meditation, protection, and philosophical thinking. This constellation is ruled by Lord Varuna, the God of the cosmic and terrestrial waters and the nights sky.

There’s a desire, a yearning within us all, to ultimately merge back with the creator, with nature, with our higher Self. The intention and spur that motivates our action at the root, is the same and the individual’s journey that plays out is very different for us all. The mind is naturally motivated to move towards greater fields of happiness and the bottom line is, we revert back to what we know and what we’ve been taught — to work with what we have, where we are in the moment. Stay stay grounded and centered in your hearts most authentic offering, as the already turbulent, celestial waters are meeting with the growing pains of these edgy and transformative new beginnings. 

We’re being redirected to focus on our inner work and spiritual growth. Be compassionate and patient towards yourself and others as you’re not alone in experiencing the growing pains of shifting individual and global consciousness. Honor your Self, refine your dietary habits, stay cool, rested, grounded and steeped in your physical and spiritual practices. Vulnerability and authenticity are secret powers worth opening to. The world needs you to participate as you are more than ever and know that that is enough. This too shall pass.

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycles, please visit: to book a consultation. Love All Ways

''We are not responding to this instant, if we are judging any aspect of it. The ego looks for what to criticize. This always involves comparing with the past. But love looks upon the world peacefully and accepts. The ego searches for short comings and weaknesses. Love watches for any sign of strength. It sees how far each one has come, and not how far he has to go. How simple it is to love, and exhausting it is always to find fault, for every time we see a fault we think something needs to be done about it. Love knows that nothing is ever needed but more love. It is what we all do with our hearts that affects others most deeply. It is not the movements of our body or the words within our minds that transmit love. We love from heart to heart.''

~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi 


Art by @Mysticmamma

Art by @Mysticmamma

There will be a full moon Monday morning, August 3rd in the constellation of Shravana (Sidereal Capricorn), the star of listening. This Full Moon represents the culmination of the energies initiated at the time of the New Moon in Pushya (Cancer) and draws from the symbolism of Shravana Nakshatra. Shravana is associated with communication of all kinds, the power of connectivity, learning, language, ancient knowledge, oral traditions, music, inner divine guidance and aligning with your highest values. This asterism is ruled by Vishnu, the keeper of the cosmos and is symbolized by an ear and a row of three uneven footprints. 

Through divine guidance and inner listening you’re being invited to take a deeper look at what is most important in your life. The mythology around this nakshatra symbolizes the journey of kicking the demons (desires, distractions and habits that are no longer contributing) out of heaven (place of priority) to restore order in the universe. This restoration happens in the purists and victory of placing the gods (our highest values) in their rightful position.

Get clear on what you value most in your life and give that top priority over everything else. Working with what you have in this moment, where you are. Continue to lean into the vulnerability of whole heartedly confronting the deep rooted fears and shadow behaviors that have been stirring beneath the surface. Keep defining your boundaries and practice restraint as you find balance between giving and receiving love.

You may continue to feel a sense of restriction and emotional uncertainty. Practice surrendering to that which is unknown and keep listening to your inner guidance and unspoken words of the Universe. Even amidst adversity and the knowingness that we may not all share the same path, perspective and beliefs, it is a time for walking together.  Continue to stay open and stepped in the space of your hearts most authentic offerings and unconditional love. 

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

:: NEW MOON ::

Photo from Pinterest

Photo from Pinterest

Monday (July 20th) morning there will be a new moon in Pushya (Sidereal Cancer) nakshatra, the star of nourishment. This new moon marks a sacred holiday in India where one honors and prays to their ancestors for guidance and protection. Pushya is symbolized by a cows utter and represents the unconditional love and nourishment that this lunar mansion represents. The personal Shakti (power) of this asterism, initiates the ability to harness creative and spiritual energy which in turn provides the wisdom and abundance to nourish both the spiritual and material worlds. This is one of the most favorable constellations for beginning any activity. 

This dark moon provides the fertile soil necessary to plants seeds of that which you’d like to manifest into your life over the next lunation cycle. The benevolent, gentle and productive Pushya teaches us about our relationship with boundaries and unconditional love. Perhaps, surrendering to the moment and accepting that having a limit with how far you can go, will actually aid you in achieving your goal. You may feel that you have limited recourses at this time. Allow yourself to be surprised by what you can accomplish with what you have, in this moment, rather than judging your current situation. 

Recognize that you may have an opportunity to step out of your own way and trust in nature providing something even greater than you could creative for yourself. Sometimes obstacles and so called failures are placed in our lives just to reroute us. Lean into accepting the limitations and restriction that have been placed upon you, as they will help you understand how you can reach your goal and perhaps shift the way you were previously viewing your situation — from a narrow perspective that may not have been in alignment, to a big picture perspective.

Learn when to be more assertive and when to be more passive. Now is the time to get clear on where you need to define your boundaries and how you can practice restraint. This is a great opportunity to learn from the mistakes of your past and not to take yourself so seriously. Sometimes it’s good to know what not to do so you can get more clear on the direction that is in highest aliment for you. Are you able to balance giving and receiving nourishment in your life? Are you willing to whole heartedly confront the deep rooted fears and shadow behaviors that have been keeping you from playing big?

Do you enjoy your family and community and feel nourished in your life? Or do you tend to overgive, and then feel unappreciated or even drained? With the recent global changes that may have altered the way we spend time with people in our lives — what kind of interactions have become more meaningful in your life? Who is still important to you? Prioritize the people and interactions in your life that value your contribution and who naturally reciprocate. How can you release or transform all that is not contributing?

For more in depth personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycles, please visit: To book a consultation


Happy Solstice! Late this evening (around 11:41pm pst) a new moon and solar eclipse will occur in the lunar mansion of Mrigashira (Sidereal Gemini), the searching star, while planets Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all remain in retrograde. Mrigashira falls within the constellation Orion, is the initiator of Martian energy, is symbolized by a deers head and represents the quest for the fulfillment of one’s desires. This nakshatra is ruled by the deity Soma (divine nectar), the manifestation of the moon god, who is the sustainer and healer of all diseases. The searching star relates to our vital life force energies which can ultimately lead to both ecstasy and the direct experience of divinity. This seeking can bring about contentment only when it is in keeping in alignment with one’s life purpose and know that the uneasiness that often arises here brings about the initiation of new experiences.

You may experiencing a lot of upheaval, uncertainty and intensity in the your life and know that you’re not alone. Solar eclipses set the theme for the month and up to six months to come, beckon a time of deep transformation and accelerated spiritual growth. In the northern hemisphere this eclipse coincides with the summer solstice, where the sun’s energy is at it’s peak and brings an even more powerful and highly focused energy. As all that has been hidden is being brought to the surface and your emotions and self confidence may be eclipsed by surfacing doubts and fears.

There may be the feeling that you’re not sure if you’re moving forwards or backwards. Frustration or anger can arise due to not feeling unsupported by someone or something in your life or as if they’re unavailable or just out of reach. The particular energies around this eclipse can pull you towards impulsively, where you’re feeling called to react immediately, when it is best to wait and allow the story to continue to unfold. 

Do your best to stay focused on the bigger picture and allow things to unfold one step at a time as the story continues to evolve. Aim to stay balanced as you lean into letting go of those chapters in your life which are coming to a close and embrace the fresh start that is emerging. Stay open and honest with your interactions and be clear around your personal needs, intentions and boundaries. 

We’re steeping in a global reset where accelerated spiritual growth is at the forefront. Stay grounded and keep your eyes open as you redefine, reconstruct and persevere towards the fresh start you’ve been seeking in love, home life or career. It is suggested to postpone major decisions until clarity begins to set in around one week after the final lunar eclipse on July 5th.  During the actual eclipse period, spiritual practices are enhanced and we’re being invited to keep things simple, to eat light or fast, meditate, tend to your spiritual practices and keep our attention focused on the divine.  For more personal in-depth assistant in navigating these transitional waters please visit to book a private consultation. Love all ways 


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Artwork by Mystic Mamma

The Full Moon and Lunar eclipse happening Friday morning, June 5th will be in Jyestha nakshatra (sidereal Scorpio), the Elder Star. Jyestha is symbolized by a protective amulet and is all about power, leadership, ego and the occult sciences. During eclipses our emotions and worries can become amplified and we may feel more stressed and insecure than usual. This lunar mansion is inviting us to lean into our spiritual practices, intuition and prayer to ground down and stabilize. 

You’ve probably been pouring your devotion into some particular area in your life because you thought things were a certain way. Right now we’re in a time outside of time, where things aren’t what they seem. This lunar eclipse will be revealing something to you that will shift your perspective on your current situation. This reveal will be like waking up from a deep sleep, which can be quite shocking, as if any previous illusions have been completely dissolved. An awakening that shows you that perhaps that which you’ve been devoted to is not quite worthy of your time and attention.

With this reveal comes an unraveling and a dissolving. It’s important to allow the story to continue to unfold. We’re revisiting old ground now and coming full circle with the energies from March and April with a fresh perspective. As the layers begin to peel away you may feel the urge to respond, take action and move forward. This could ultimately take you out of one fire and into the next. As you feel the pull to move into action, you know there’s something at the root level you need to take care of first. You’re being requested to ground and stabilize. 

The new moon in Krittika nakshatra (Sidereal Taurus) which initiated the theme for the lunar month was around transformation and purification of the soul. You’ve been encouraged to pivot inwards and sit with all that is moving through you. To sit in the fire with all the discomforts, resistance, false beliefs, anticipations, illusions, and walls you’ve build up against embodying your truth. Don’t bypass this opportunity for growth becomes its too uncomfortable. Observe the story as it continues to unfold. Ground down and rest in the spacious awareness of your being and welcome these fiery energies to in turn dissolve all that is not contributing to your life. This course correct and pivot will help you to become more stabilized.

Lunar eclipses are trigger points which invoke unexpected and immediate transformation. To best utilize the energies of the eclipse it is recommended to be more inward, keep it simple, stay rested, and focus on your spiritual practices.  Tend to your relationship with nature, higher power, divinity, and that which ultimately attunes you to your True Nature. Steep yourself in mantra, meditation, fasting and or prayer. Drop stories and postpone major decisions, if possible, until the energies balance out after the July 5th eclipse. For deeper clarification on what this means for you personally and how to navigated the current energies with more ease and grace, please visit Jyotish Astrology Consultations to book a private consultation. Know that I’m standing with you and supporting you during these times. Love All Ways

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer.

Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up.

We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.” ~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

:: NEW MOON ::

Artwork By Lori Menna @cosmiccollage

Artwork By Lori Menna @cosmiccollage

The theme for the next lunation cycle is initiated with tomorrow’s (Friday, May 22nd) New Moon in the constellation of Sidereal Krittika (Taurus), the Star of Fire. This asterism is positioned within a cluster of stars called Pleiades, or the Seven Sisters and is where the moon is exalted, signifying it’s most favorable position in the sky. Krittika is known as “The Cutters”, is symbolized by a knife or blade and ruled by Agni (the god of fire). It is energetic, one pointed, critical, physically active, has an extreme appetite, is blunt, and independent. This nakshatra also relates to transformation, ritual, the creative source, initiative, destruction, purification of one’s karmas, and the care and nourishment needed to tend to something at it’s most innocent and delicate stages; especially in the pursuit of gaining knowledge to walk the path of one’s life purpose.  

On the physical level this asterism can be associated with a knife that cuts vegetables and Agni, our digestive fire, which converts food into energy. On the mental plane, we experience this asterism as a mental fire that is constantly in search of knowledge and experience to keep the inner flames kindled and thus, can penetrate the surface level of one’s mental and emotional dramas. On the subtler planes, fire relates to purification of one’s soul by cutting through the illusion and delusion of the small self and ultimately transforming the individuals karma through the fires of knowledge and experience. 

The energy has slowed down and the transformative fires have been kindled. My teacher used to say that knowledge is indeed the greatest purifier. Spiritual progress isn’t always what it seems. When we penetrate below the surface, and are meet with deeper work, the karmas begin to burn away. It is almost inevitable that we will get uncomfortable in the process and not prefer what we’re experiencing. We can choose to stick with what is easy, with what we know or we can try something new. I’ve been learning how to sit in the fire … to sit with all my discomforts, resistance, false beliefs, anticipations, illusions, and walls I’ve build up against truth and ultimately love… to practice leaning into feeling everything, anyways, and to hold my inner child and let her know that everything is going to be ok. I’ve been inviting these very energies to cut away and transform all that is not me, so I can in turn birth something new. This hasn’t been easy and at the end of the day I know I’m not alone in the process — we’re all helping each other. Just as when the tide rises in the harbor, all the boats rise together. 


Practice being a little more compassionate towards yourself in the process, slow down and continue to get extra rest. When we’re rested, tend to our practices and our Agni fire is strong, than we can not only digest our meals but also all experiences that move through us. From that place we can align with right thinking, which will in turn lead us towards our souls higher purpose. You may feel as if two paths lay ahead of you. Take your time, as what you’re sensing, just may be the case — what you choose, could be something that endures. Take things one day, one decision at a time. Contrary to popular belief, it is best to plant seeds, set intentions and initiate new beginnings 24 hours after the new moon when there is more light and momentum and in the realm of love and affection, I’d say give it until July to forge ahead. 

As Venus, Saturn and Jupiter move through their retrograde cycle, we welcome a time time to reflect, redefine, review, reconstruct and regenerate the particular energies associated with each planet and in relation to your own personal chart. For more in depth personalized guidance on how to align with the planetary cycles and the upcoming retrogrades, please visit: To book a consultation

The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress. ~ Ramana Maharishi


Artwork by: Richey Beckett

Artwork by: Richey Beckett

The full moon will take place tomorrow morning (Thursday, May 7th) in the lunar (sidereal) constellation of Vishakha, the star of purpose. This nakshatra is symbolized by a triumphal arch and means two-branched or the fork-shaped, as it implies being presented with two different paths and is ruled by two deities. Indra, the king of the gods and storms and Agni the God of fire. These energies invoke the shakti of devotion, ambition and courage to achieve many goals and the ability to clean out the old and in turn, build something new.

The new moon in Ashwini nakshatra (April 22nd/Sidereal Aries) set the tone for the month and the full moon represents the culmination of that energy. The planetary weather has been stormy as of late, three major planets are about to turn retrograde and the energies are heightened. You’re most likely being pulled in two different directions. Take a broader perspective around the two paths the are being presented right now and as you get in touch with the innocence of that which you truly desire, you will be met with the courage to overcome the very fears which have been holding you back. 

This nakshatra reminds us that the challenges of life do not end when we’ve achieved our goals, and that the goals we’re setting for ourselves at this time are defining our momentum forward. We’re being invited to reflect on the motivation of these goals and whether they’re contributing to humanity as a whole or not. Use the fire of this time to move towards getting devoted to a higher purpose and you will eventually come to the realization that when these two paths begin to cooperate with each other, a sense of unity will be cultivated. Stay focused on your goal and yet a little less attached to the outcome. Move slowly, take things one day at a time, stay grounded and get anchored into a routine that supports and uplifts your mental and physical health. Once you’ve achieved the goal you set for yourself, use that same energy to propel you forward into the next thing. 

As Venus, Saturn and Jupiter move into retrograde, we welcome a time time to reflect, redefine, review, reconstruct and regenerate the particular energies associated with each planet and in relation to your own personal chart. For more in depth personalized guidance on how to align with the planetary cycles and the upcoming retrogrades, please visit:

I hope you’re all appreciating this world wide pause & are remembering to leave time for rest & rejuvenation. Balance is key. As I said before, if you’d like to rush, rush like a royal elephant, one step at a time. Stay healthy & safe. Love all ways. Save the date: New Moon Circle 5/22 @ 5:30pm - on Zoom

“If you want to become whole, let yourself be partial. If you want to become straight, let yourself be crooked. If you want to become full, let yourself be empty. If you want to be reborn, let yourself die. If you want to be given everything, give everything up.”  ~ Lao Tzu

:: NEW MOON ::


The new moon on Wednesday (April 22nd) evening will be in the sidereal constellation of Ashwini (Aries), the first lunar mansion in the zodiac. The Healing Star is ruled by the Ashwin twins, the celestial physicians to the gods and is represented by the spark of creation, initiations and beginnings, healing, vitality, a horse’s head, courage, swiftness, leadership, and being in tune with the needs of the people.

To align with the upcoming cycle, we’re being asked to take a step back and find a broader perspective on the current situation we find ourselves in, whether individually or globally. You may find that you’re being pulled in two different directions now. Ground down and align with the innocence of that which you truly desire and the energies of this new moon will support you in finding the very courage needed to overcome your fears and move forward. We’re all equal in this situation and are ultimately looking for a way out. Perhaps we will come to realize that when the seemingly different paths or perspectives begin to cooperate with each other they will eventually lead to a unified experience.

Just as the seasons transition from winter into spring, the current lunation cycle offers a time of new beginnings, rejuvenation, and momentum. These energies are initiated by committing to an uplifting routine that revitalizes your mind, body, and Spirit. Any actions taken when the moon is in Ashwini will bring quick results (specifically in the arena of healing and rejuvenation). Become steady and learn to follow through and practice consistency as you tend to the energetic flow of your prana and your Agni (digestive fire). Slow down and practice becoming completely involved with whatever you’re doing and a little less attached to the fruits. As medicine is taken just one teaspoon at a time, take your decisions one by one and life, one day at a time.

In Ayurveda, sister science to yoga and Jyotish astrology, we’re taught to align our daily and seasonal routines with the ever changing cycles of nature, to find harmony and balance within ourselves. This is a great opportunity to be at home, tune up your daily routine, align with nature’s support and learn from your inner teacher. The foundation to a solid routine based on the principles of Ayurveda are: In bed early and asleep before 10pm, up before the Sun, scrap tongue, take warm water, practice yoga asanas, sun salutations, pranayama, and a meditation practice (this can be short and simple). Eating your meals on time, having your biggest meal around 12pm, taking fresh, warm and in season foods and sipping on warm ginger tea throughout the day are a few key principles. For more on life supporting routines, please look up Dinacharya or look back to my post on "7 Ayurvedic Tips for Stepping into Spring.”

What is motivating you now? What excites you the most? I hope you’re all appreciating this world wide pause. Please stay healthy and safe. For more in depth personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycles, book a private consultation with me and receive 25% ($195 hour/$225 hour 1/2) through 4/25 with code: LOVEISREAL at

“Love is everlasting forgiveness. Wisdom is to see everything in relation to the whole. If you understand that everything belongs to Him, you will be free of all burdens. All sorrow comes from the sense of I and Mine. All sorrow is due to one’s keeping apart from God. When you are with Him all pain disappears. By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow and by adversity does he destroy adversity. When this is done he sends no more suffering, no more adversity. This must be remembered at all times.
The world oscillates endlessly between pleasure and pain. There can be no security, no stability here. These are to be found in God alone. Suffering is sent to remind us to turn our thoughts toward God, who will give us solace. Whenever you possibly can, sustain the flow of the sacred Name. To repeat His Name is to be in His presence. If you associate with the Supreme Friend, He will reveal His true Being to you.” ~ Ananda Mayi Ma


Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

We’ve been reflecting on our motives and processing our old habits, thought patterns, agendas and beliefs that are no longer serving us. It is time to become steady and still. My guru used to say, ‘if you feel the need to rush, rush like a royal elephant.’ Take things slowly, one day at a time. Become very steady and still, grounded within yourself. The new moon last month (3/24) initiated the theme of a life lived in a forest hermitage, where one steps away from every day life to reflect and immerse oneself in the wisdom and healing modalities which ultimately quenches ones deepest longing and search — to merge with the Self.

The Full Moon this evening will be in Chitra nakshatra (sidereal virgo), the star of opportunity, which is symbolized by a bright and shiny jewel. As we know, a diamond is forged under great heat and pressure. Just like, beautiful people are not born that way, they are forged through the fires of deep transformation. As the pearl or true Self is revealed through the breaking of the oysters shell, the dissolution of the ego, art is born out of the artists moments of irritation and depression. This transition may not be easy, as the defense mechanisms of the ego are being broken down, we’re facing our greatest fears and all that is not you is being stripped away. There’s an old say, ‘to truly live, we must die first.’ We can look to the pressure we’re experiencing now as the very energies necessary to forge our journey to wake up collectively. As if we are moving through a rite of passage or vision quest of sorts that is encouraging us to move globally beyond the illusion of fear based thinking (clinging to the ever-changing world), come together and live truth.

This pressure is not on the individual level, it is touching us all equally — no matter who you are, what your status is, how prepared you are, nor what you believe in. These energies are providing a coming together and a global unifying. We’re being called to endure this together and ultimately move collectively towards a victory that will endure time. This asterism is very dynamic, creative and full of energy and is ruled by the celestial architect, Vishwakarma, who is said to be able to create brilliant and delightful masterpieces out of seemingly nothing at all. Use these energies for a higher purpose now. What are the answers you’re “questing” for? The energies associated with this nakshatra have to do with the artist who aims to perfect form and the practice of mediation as a means to open up to one’s true Self. Get stabilized, be still and take life one day at a time. 

Tvastr the Artificer

Tvastr the Artificer

This full moon also marks the birthday of Lord Hanuman. As the embodiment of humility, devotion, strength, courage, power and friendship, Hanuman is known best for being the loyal and devoted servant of Lord Ram. As legend depicts, Hanuman was quite mischievous and one day become very tall so that he could take a bite out of the sun which he mistook to be an orange. This resulted in Indra, the king of the gods, to curse him to forget his own god like powers/nature. It is said that Tulsidas (16th century poet, composer) wrote the 42 verses of the Hanuman Chalisa, to not only phrase Hanumans greatness but also to remind him of his true nature and awaken him from his curse. In his remembrance, he as able to serve Lord Ram, the embodiment of dharma. As my Father Jimmy mentioned to me this morning, “may we become like him.” जय श्री राम!

“I am staring out of the window in an extremely dark mood, feeling helpless. Then a friend, a fellow artist, calls to wish me happy holidays. He asks, “How are you?” And instead of “Oh, fine — and you?”, I blurt out the truth: “Not well. Not only am I depressed, I can’t seem to work, to write; it’s as though I am paralyzed, unable to write anything more in the novel I’ve begun. I’ve never felt this way before, but the election…” I am about to explain with further detail when he interrupts, shouting: “No! No, no, no! This is precisely the time when artists go to work — not when everything is fine, but in times of dread. That’s our job!’ I felt foolish the rest of the morning, especially when I recalled the artists who had done their work in gulags, prison cells, hospital beds; who did their work while hounded, exiled, reviled, pilloried. And those who were executed. This is precisely the time when artists go to work. There is no time for despair, no place for self-pity, no need for silence, no room for fear. We speak, we write, we do language. That is how civilizations heal. I know the world is bruised and bleeding, and though it is important not to ignore its pain, it is also critical to refuse to succumb to its malevolence. Like failure, chaos contains information that can lead to knowledge — even wisdom. Like art.” ~ Toni Morrison 

I’m delighted to extend discounts to my beloved community on more personal, in-depth guidance on how you can specifically navigate these powerful, celestial waters. Please visit my booking site to schedule a private consultation and use code LOVEISREAL for 25% off 1 hour and hour and 1/2 consultations (good through 4/20)

:: NEW MOON :: 


The New Moon on the morning of Tuesday, March 24th will be a will be in the sidereal constellation of  Uttara Bhadrapada (Pisces), the Warrior Star. This nakshatra (lunar mansion) is connected to fertility of both earth and sky, dreamtime, excavating the unconscious, harmonizing universal mind, wisdom gained through experience, kundalini shakti, destruction as a means to preservation, humility, self sacrifice and a compassionate heart.

As we lean into uncertainty, our actions and motives must be reflected upon during this time. We’re stepping into a timely phase transition and as the layers begin to peel away, the mind has a tendency to grip for control. Are you feeling in a rush to accomplish something or to get to the other side of that which is unknown? In truth, have we ever known what comes next? We’re learning to trust the process, which is ultimately experienced as being at ease in the presence of the unknown. Remember that the pressure you’re experiencing now, is the precise medicine that is needed for what comes next. Very similar to the journey of the butterfly, who in the process of breaking its way free from the cocoon, develops the very muscles needed to be able to fly. If aided in the process, the butterfly wouldn’t properly develop those muscles and hence, would not survive.

The pressure continues to build this next week and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. This is a storm that is ultimately bringing about a sense of victory to come. There’s a feeling in the air that’s offering a glimpse of hope. Be patient in allowing things to develop for a little while longer. Lean into the process of breaking down and releasing limiting beliefs, stories and habits that are no longer contributing. Glimpse into any vulnerability you’re experiencing and see how you can anchor into a stronger foundation amongst that vulnerability and keep a big picture perspective as you calculate your goals and actions which are aimed at success. 

This nakshatra has to do with the time in one’s life where we retreat to the forest to reflect, meditate and steep ourselves in ancient teachings and practices that ultimately quench the thirst and longing to merge with the Self. Keep your energy high and flowing, stay integrated and cultivate your relationship with yourself daily. There are so many beautiful offerings and resources that are accessible right now. Discovery a new skill or subject of study that truly makes you feel alive! This new moon also marks the beginning of the Vedic new year and Wednesday begins the auspicious nine nights devoted to the divine feminine (Spring Navaratri) which beckons a time for turning inward towards prayer, meditation and chanting to enliven and recognize the unity and divinity underlying all of creation. 

Focus on the questions and not the answers, as when you find the right question, the answer will reveal itself to you. Stay rested and positive. If you don’t have any self love/care practices or need more tools, know that I’m here for you. We will get though this together. For more personal, in-depth guidance on how you can specifically navigate these powerful, celestial waters, please visit my Booking site to schedule a private consultation and use code SELFCARE for $35 off (good through 3/31)

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu || लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु || My deepest hearts prayer is for all beings in all worlds to be free from suffering, protected, and in peace. 

Here’ a beautiful quote from my teacher from almost 30 years ago, which I find quite relevant today:

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer.

Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up.

We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.”

~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi



The Full Moon this morning (Monday, March 9th) was in the constellation of Purva Phalguni which falls in the center of sidereal Leo. This nakshatra relates to creativity, rest and renewal, tenderness, devotion, fertility, union of opposites, and procreation; is ruled by the deity Bhaga, who is known for bestowing pleasure and delight, and is symbolized by a swinging hammock, a fire place, good luck, prosperity and reaping the fruits of your good karmas.

The new moon a couple weeks back was in shatabhishak nakshatra (Aquarius), the veiling star, which set the tone for this current lunation cycle. A great question to meditate on, would be: what truths are being unveiled to you now that were previously unclear? As you lean a little more into your intuition and embrace all that is living through you, you may have found that perhaps life has begun to flow a little more eloquently and at the same time, whenever one moves towards that which they desire, they’re often confronted by the opposite element. This is a test of sorts, inviting us to take a deeper look at our relationship with that which “controls” us.

When we go for what we truly want trauma can come in to meet us. The common threads I’ve witnessed coming up for many in the past couples weeks have involved feelings of grief, frustration and anger, specifically around a certain situation in our lives that perhaps isn’t providing the very momentum they’ve been hoping for. All activity is dependent on periods of non activity. After facing worldly battles and tending to ones duties and responsibilities, there is a period of rest, relaxation and enjoyment that follows. This period of rest is associated with purva phalguni and is the very muse that kindles the impulse towards creativity and action.

The victory that you seek requires your cooperation with the higher energies that are speaking to you now. It is not the time to give up, or let your anger or frustration control you instead, channel these energies to fill you with inspiration and passion, let them move you and motivate the devotion that will ultimately guide you towards the very heart centered commitment you’ve been seeking all along.

This full moon also marks a very special Vedic holiday known as Holi! Where victory of good over evil, sattva (the creative force) over destruction is celebrated. Mantra chanting, meditation, spiritually practices, and celebrations of all kind are more activated around the full moon and especially in purva phalguni. Be kind to yourself, get extra rest, stay confident and know that the momentum is there. Plus, mercury goes direct this evening! Perhaps you could lean into the question: Where in your life do you feel most alive?

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -  Toko-pa Turner


:: NEW MOON ::


There will be a new moon (amavasya) on Sunday, February 23rd in the sidereal constellation of Shatabhisha (Aquarius), the veiling star. This lunar mansion possess a hundred stars, is symbolized by an empty circle, a hundred celestial healers or medicines, ambrosia, intoxication, mystical knowledge, hidden secrets, isolation, silent meditation, protection, and philosophical thinking, and is ruled by Varuna, the God of the cosmic & terrestrial waters and the nights sky.

There’s a desire, a yearning within us all, to ultimately merge back with the creator, with nature, with our higher Self. The intention and spur that motivates our action at the root, is the same and the individuals journey that plays out is very different for us all. The mind is naturally motivated to move towards greater fields of happiness and the bottom line is, we revert back to what we know and what we’ve been taught — to work with what we have, where we are in the moment. For this reason, we cannot judge another’s journey and the tools they use to reach their destination. It is after all the god of the night that makes forms fade away, and when all forms fade away, only unity remains. Shatabhisha nakshatra has to do with cosmic law and contains within it the shakti or power to heal and support. The purpose of life is to live everything. All things that come have a purpose, all the difficulties, triggers and apparent loss in our lives are providing us with the precise medicine that we need to dissolve the ego, and fade back to the truth of our own being.

The particular energies of this new moon make us go through certain experiences so we can purify our ego and rectify our path to learn from the veil of confusion that has been fogging our ability to see things as they are. You may find yourself in a situation that’s not receiving the momentum you’ve been expecting. You’ve been strategizing, intellectualizing and taking the steps you sense to be correct along the way, and mostly likely feeling the need to amplify all your experiences to get anything done. Your heart has been in the right place and at the same time, when we’re caught in confusion, we don’t see things correctly. What you will come to realize is that along the way you’ve shut out the very thing that can help you at this time, your intuition. This new moon is accompanied by mercury retrograde in Shatabhisha nakshatra, which encourages us to intuit our processes. The old ways are no longer working… when will you drop the same old stories you’ve been telling yourself and the very strategies that eventually produce the results you’ve been getting all along?

When you begin to trust in the presence of the unknown and lean into your intuition, you will find your path flowing again. Anchor into your routine and all that aligns your vision with the truth. Let everything happen to you, stay present, be kind and forgiving to yourself and others, and stay confident as you forge your path; through the triumphs and tribulations, deep listening and living out the questions, instead of grasping for the answers, you will learn the contentment that comes from neither reaching nor resisting, being overwhelmed nor overlooking what comes, but to live everything, to love in such a way that the other feels completely free to be and become truly themselves.

“Go to the Limits of Your Longing”: “Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” ~ Rilke  


Vishvarupa Jaipur, 1805

Vishvarupa Jaipur, 1805

Friday, January 24th there will be a New Moon at 1:41PM PST in Capricorn, within the nakshatra (constellation) of Shravana. Shravana nakshatra is the star of listening and is associated with oral communication of all kinds. This asterism is ruled by Vishnu, the keeper of the cosmos and is symbolized by an ear and a row of three uneven footprints. This is a special new moon known as Mauni Amavaysa, which is said to mark the last day of the Vedic calendar and a day where many observe silence and dip in the sacred river Ganges. The energies of the new moon set the tone for the month to come and contrary to popular belief, the ideal time for intention setting is 24 hours after the new moon… where there is more light and energy to be harnessed and in this case, the first day of the Vedic new year!

On the day of the new moon, Shani (Saturn), the planet of karma, responsibility, discipline, commitment and restriction makes his transit into the sign of Capricorn, heralding the dawn of a new and uplifting age where Saturn will move through his own signs for the next five years. Saturn represents the karmas in this life that we are here to exhaust. As we have been approaching this phase transition, you may have been met with extremes, complications, and perhaps increasing levels of confusion and chaos… not to mention over thinking most experiences. It is time to take a step back, embrace a simpler and more calculated approach and be willing to go a little deeper. Listen, assimilate, and contemplate whatever issues may be presenting themselves… a listening to one’s inner knowingness that’s always available and speaking to you.

As the energies begin to move forward, remember that there is no rush. Stay rested, allow nature to takes it’s course and wait until the the time is ripe. We are stepping into a time where a deeper sense of duty, perseverance, and grounded energy will be experienced. You’re being requested to act without expecting anything in return. Practice contentment and tune into your natural rhythm. Get organized, and find balance in reestablishing your highest values in life as your priority and know that as you begin to walk on the path, the path will appear. If you need assistant in navigating these transitional waters and what they mean for you personally, please email me ( to book a private consultation. Love all ways 


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

Artwork by Mystic Mamma

There will be a full moon and lunar eclipse on Friday, January 10th in the constellation (nakshatra) of Punarvasu (Gemini), the star of renewal. The eclipse will take place between 9:07am-1:12pm PST. Lunar eclipses have a tendency to produce immediate results that can last up to a month and can reveal and bring to the surface that which has been hidden. Punarvasu is represented by a bow and quiver of magical arrows and is the star of revitalization, poetry, innovation, rebuilding after the storm, and prosperity. Despite the destructive energies of the eclipse, this full moon beckons a sense of hope as we move from darkness to light and holds within it a ripe opportunity to go deep, reset, and get really keen on cutting out all that is no longer of value to you.

Things may not be producing the results you’ve desired or panned out the way you have intended they would. You may be wondering why the energies still feel stuck and as if no momentum as begun to take place.  Perhaps you’re even doubting yourself and feeling frustrated around a certain area in your life. Know that you’re not alone. We’re at the tail end of a transition period, and you’re almost there. Don’t give up prematurely, even though the options all appear to be the same and the mindset appears to be static. Find a new perspective and way to approach the situation and know that this full moon brings hope that things are taking a turn for the positive. Accept any current limitations and know that this too shall pass. Practice being open to working with what you have, where you are, in this moment and stay open and flexible to any redirection or rerouting that comes along, as it will keep the movement in a forward direction. Sometimes resistance and what appears to be a failure, invites us to get a little more creative and welcomes us to migrate from the head and step powerfully back into the heart.

Any spiritual practice that is tended to during the eclipse has powerful results and is considered to magnify a hundred fold. To harness and align with these energies it is recommend to be indoors, eat light or fast during the four hour widow and invest your time in connecting with divinity/Yourself/Nature through meditation, prayer or any spiritual practice that established and straightens this connection. Disregard any over powering, alarming or fearful thoughts that may come up at this time and postpone any major decisions until a few days after the eclipse - this all comes with the territory. Stay rested and keep things simple. With open arms, the grounded momentum we’ve been waiting for will be experienced on a more intimate level after Saturn moves into Capricorn on January 24th.

Trust that all is unfolding as it should be. Stay devoted to your highest path and remember to envision what you truly desire and not to attach focus on the means. As Krishna said to Arjuna on the battlefield in the Bhagavad Gita, establish you’re in being and then perform action. Dive in, go beyond this ever changing world, as if you were pulling the arrow all the way back on a bow and then when you release that arrow your action will not only have great speed and efficiency, you will hit the bullseye.

Feel free to email me you’d like to learn more about what this powerful transition means for you personally and if you’re looking for a practice to aid in your transformation during the full moon, please join me at The Mindy in Malibu for a Full Moon Circle: Breathwork Activation and Mantra Bath - all are welcome!


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There will be a new moon and solar eclipse Wednesday, December 25th at 9:17pm PST/ 11:17PM CDT in the constellation (nakshatra) of Mula (Sagittarius), the root star. The eclipse portal beckons deep transformation and encourages all that has been hidden to be brought to the surface. Mula is one of the most spiritual and investigative lunar mansions in the zodiac and is near the galactic center. This lunar cycle is a potent time to see into yourself and honor your highest spiritual Self.

The energies of the eclipse are inviting you to take a deeper look below the surface and dive into your unconscious. Are you listening? Know that the challenges that are arising now have a purpose and perhaps embracing your vulnerability is your greatest medicine and ally at this time. Mula nakshatra is ruled by Nritti, the goddess of dissolution and destruction. She is similar to Kali, the fierce dark goddess, who destroys all that is no longer of value to us. Go deeper than you’ve been willing to go, approach the situation in a new way and accept the challenge by confronting the Unknown… face your deepest fears and be held in knowing that true healing comes only by tackling the situation at its roots. Do not give up prematurely, we’re all in this together and the time is ripe for the transformation to happen. Go inside now, reassess, reset and do the work. See what’s useful and important and cut the rest out. You will find strength in the process and remember, you can only change yourself and work on yourself and as you change, so does the world around you. As Ram Das said, “We’re all just walking each other home.

Hang in there, you’re not alone in this process and the light is beginning to return. 2020 has great promise for momentum and ease on the individual level. Keep going, be simple and patient a little longer, get extra rest, ground into your routine and sadhana and when moments get rocky and you’re confronted by that which you do not prefer, practice being total in your response to whatever comes and lean into the art of surrender… seek the balance of true contentment found in neither reaching nor resisting. If you'd like more clarity on what this means for you personally, please email me at to book a consultation.

 "Write all that worries you on a piece of parchment;
Offer it to God Even from the distance
of a millennium I can lean the flame in my heart
Into your life
And turn
All that frightens you
Into holy Incense Ash."



Artwork by @Realfunwow

Artwork by @Realfunwow

There will be a full moon on Wednesday, December 11th in the nakshatra (lunar mansion) of Mrigashira, the searching star. This is a powerful full moon as it is close to the winter solstice, the longest night of the year and is a culmination point. Mrihashira is about nourishment, desire, tracking, chasing and seeking out where one belongs. There is an inner searching that is being requested of us at this time, a seeking of something higher that we can lean into, that was missing in 2019. The theme for this lunation cycle that began with the New Moon (11/26) in Anuradha is around devotion, friendship and relationship, where we belong and who we belong with. Be more committed to what you love and ask yourself, what makes you closer and more connected to your heart? 


The astrological weather has been quite unsettling since April and only now we're beginning to feel a sense of relief. Be patient at this time as we’re still in somewhat of a holding pattern and know that things are beginning to move forward. You may still be stuck in a static mindset, in fear of loosing someone or something or as if anticipating any progress to be instantly knocked down. Don’t over think things now, take a step back, find a broader perspective and invite a radical shift to your vision. Look to what you’ve already accomplished, be less critical and open to seeing yourself in a new way. Take a new angle on something that seems to offer no opportunity or is less than an ideal situation and follow any sense of hope. You will eventually find your way to truth and to what works.

2020 has great promise for momentum and manifestation. Until then, take it easy, get extra rest, lay low around the holidays and resist any temptation towards opinionated and potentially heated discussions around the holidays (politics, religion, etc.). Take the perspective of the glass as half full, and focus on what you truly want. What is it that deeply nourishes and rejuvenates you to your core, and makes you come alive? 

:: NEW MOON ::


There will be a special New Moon Sunday night, October 27th in Swati nakshatra (Libra) at 8:38pm (PDT). This day marks the main day of the Vedic festival of lights, Deepavali, where the victory of light over darkness is celebrated. Friends and family gather, homes are cleaned, sweets are enjoyed and candles are lite at sunset to call in the eightfold blessings of Mahalakshmi into their homes.

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Swati Nakshatra is represented by a young fresh plant blown by the wind, who is tender and fragile and seeking independence and strength. What has worked for you in the past may no longer be working now. The friendships and relationships that you’ve held so dear may be shifting and changing… some transitioning into a deeper connection and others dissolving. The shakti (power) of this constellation is to Disburse or Scatter like the Wind or Transform. We’re recalibrating now. The flow of life appears to be shifting, changing and adjusting to the new energies. Know that you’re not alone. Many have been feeling exhausted and out of sorts. Do not fear the darker times, use them to inspire you for what comes next.

Perhaps it is the moments in life that bring us to our knees that is the very muse that encourages us to get back up again and go just another few steps. This kind of surrender forges the self into a new availability, an openness. Get back up and keep going now, you will eventually meet with more creativity and love. It is time to carve your own destiny by sowing the seeds in which you would like to tend to for the next lunation cycle (best to set intentions and begin new projects 24 hours after the new moon). Continue to take extra rest, be kind to yourself and others, strive towards balance and lean into higher knowledge and philosophy to bring balance to your mind. ।।ॐ श्रीं श्रियें नमः ।।



There was a full moon this morning in Revati Nakshatra, the last constellation of the zodiac (Pisces). Revati represents the path, the protector of travelers and poetic interpretation, nurturer of flocks, fertility and the ability to transcend. 

Things are becoming more clear, the energy lighter and the theme of the New Moon, the power to put into one’s hand the object of desire, is beginning to show it’s presence in a more tangible way. You’ve most likely been reflecting these last couple weeks on the energies and lessons around all that transpired over the past five months or so.

Where have you been getting in your own way? Are you willing to course correct and realign with your highest? Now is the time to learn how to see the bigger picture as you step fully into authenticity. Keep tending to your connection with source and have the courage to set down that which is no longer serving you, consuming too much of your valuable time and energy. Trust in the presence of the unknown and move towards your true path, the one that has been calling you. 

As Jim Carry said in his commencement speech at my University, “You can fail at something you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance doing what you love.” This is also taught in the teachings of the Bhagavad by Lord Krishna, ‘it’s much better to do your dharma with fault than to perfect the dharma of another.’

Continue to take extra rest, align with your spiritual practices and nourish yourself deeply as you get clear on what you’re calling in. Have faith in what is being communicated from beyond and surrender… be available and total in your response to whatever whatever comes, moment to moment. Remember to have compassion for those around you and especially yourself as we step out of this transitional time and anchor into more ease, grace and joy.

Book a private session to learn more about what this means for you personally by emailing me at or drop in on one of my weekly classes in Vedic Astrology at the Mindry - Monday’s at 6:30pm | Malibu, CA 

:: NEW MOON ::

There was a New Moon in Virgo this morning in Hasta nakshatra. A New Moon signifies the beginning of a cycle and sets the flavor for the month to come. Hasta nakshatra is represented by a hand and it’s power or shakti lies in the ability to put one’s objects of desire into one’s hand. This is a time now to realign with higher thinking and intuition, to manifest your desires into fruition.

The hand can be symbolized here by a fist that grasps, clings and is attached to controlling the outcome. From another perspective, the hand can be seen as outstretched and open... in flow and aligned with being of service. These rougher astrological cycles are essentially moving us towards the realization that we are not the situation that we find ourselves in, nor our profession, where we live, the things we have acquired, who we surround ourselves with, nor our bodies and to the awareness that we are the experiencer. The highest yoga as taught in the Bhagavad Gita is to act from a state of equilibrium, for the sake of action alone and not for it’s fruits. Being unattached to the outcome makes the fruits that much more sweeter and fulfilling.

Many of us may still feel as if we’re in the midst of a holding pattern in life or within a situation. Saturn has just stationed direct and we’re beginning to feel the momentum forward. Take another week or two to assess and reflect around the structures and commitments you’ve set up for yourself. Be willing to take an honest look at where you may have been getting in your own way, the direction and values that may no longer be serving you and get really clear and authentic around what you’re ready to commit to and in such a way that it’s uplifting you towards a higher purpose.

Art by @realfunwow



Friday, September 13th at 9:32PM PST there will be a Full Moon in Aquarius (Sidereal Astrology), within the constellation or nakshatra of Purvabhadrapada. Full moons represent the culmination of the energies initiated at the time of the New Moon and find fruition and overflow into the nakshatra of the Full Moon. This current lunar cycle began in Magha (with four other planets in Leo), which is ruled by our ancestors, symbolized by the royal throne and encourages cultivation of our inner authority and leadership skills. This has been a potent month for harnessing our inner power and light and for deepening our connection to those who have walked before us. The next couple weeks of September (September 13-28th) are celebrated as Pitru Paksha in the Vedic calendar and are devoted to honoring, and paying respect to our ancestors. 

We’re in the tail end of a transition phase and the veil between the worlds is very thin. There is a ripe opportunity now for deep and transformational work if you can stay in the fire. You’re most likely already aware of what is up for you, as Saturn begins to station direct (Sept 17th), these energies amplify and the pressure becomes more tangible.  There is more flexibility, fluidity and space around these lessons now, use this pressure to forge the way into a new paradigm and opening. Stay available and be total in your response to whatever comes, moment to moment. You’re in the home stretch and you’re not alone. By consciously connecting with your clan, those who have paved the way for you and helped to shape your destiny, these two weeks become a heightened portal to transform and heal any stuck or repeating behaviors that have formed from our collective ancestral patterns.

We are being invited to get curious on how we can offer and contribute our light in such a way that we’re uplifting the world around us. Purvabhadrapada is a highly intense and devotional nakshatra and awakens the shakti of Spiritual Fire. It’s important now to lean into mastering the ability to harness large amounts of life energy into setting clear goals and essentially, learning to be satisfied with what you already have and to be devoted to what is most important for inner growth. Keep in mind that no matter how clear you feel and no matter how much new found energy and momentum is rising within you, know that your actions will be more supported by the end of the month or beginning of October. Traditionally it’s best to post pone major decisions at least a week after Saturn moves direct and Sun transitions signs (Sidereal Virgo on Sept 17). Keep a simple routine, stay rested, be patient and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

Come gather with me in community FRIDAY, SEPT 13Th at 6:45PM to align with the energies of the Full Moon at the Mindry Meditation: 3844 Cross Creek Road, Malibu, CA, 90265 | Full Moon Circle - open to all!

“Write all that worries you on a piece of parchment;
Offer it to God Even from the distance
of a millennium I can lean the flame in my heart
Into your life
And turn
All that frightens you
Into holy Incense Ash."




Eclipse season comes to a close with tomorrow's full moon (Tuesday, July 16th) and partial lunar eclipse (1:01-3:59pm PST) in Sagittarius, and in the nakshatra of Uttarashada — the constellation of Permanent Victory. This full moon is said to be the brightest of the year and marks Guru Purnima, a special holiday in the Vedic calendar where we remember and honor our teachers and the lineage of those who walked the path before us.

The astrological weather has been turbulent as of late — you may have been feeling unsettled, disturbed, fatigued, sensitive and anxious. Know that you’re not alone. It’s as if we went from moving through molasses to tar and at the same moment, as if time has been speeding up exponentially. Eclipses are triggers and indications of sorts, revealing that which we can work on within ourselves...bringing to the surface hidden truths as they are ready to be healed. The energies of the Lunar eclipse will reveal significance right away, so stay aware and available! The time is ripe to lean into your highest spiritual Self and anchor into that which develops and strengthens your connection to Divinity.

What you think you know may be challenged at this time. Take a step back, pause, go deeper than you’ve been willing to go before. The Universe is requesting that you work on yourself and take advantage of this potent portal of time which is ready to be harnessed, If we could only get out of our own way and allow the greater work to move through us. What can you do, or essentially, stop doing to find your inner peace and happiness — that place beyond good and bad, right and wrong, aversion and attraction and drop in to your own unshakable contentment? Take your time to process things and nurture yourself. Wait a few days (if possible) after the eclipse before stepping into new projects and making big decisions. Stay on your path, focus on positivity and know that unstoppable victory is just around the corner.

“Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world. All things break. And, all things can be mended. Not with time, as they say, but with intention. So go. Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you." ~ L.R. Knost


Artwork by Samaritan Press

Artwork by Samaritan Press

We’ve stepped into the eclipse portal with the New Moon tomorrow morning at 9:55am PDT in Gemini (ardra nakshatra), which marks a full solar eclipse. This is a very potent and transformational eclipse and one that has lasting repercussions, especially for those who have their moon, sun or rising sign in Gemini (Vedic Astrology). Since this eclipse is not visible for us here in the USA, the effects may not be felt right away and may be more internal.

Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Rudra, the god of storms, destruction and also the tear drop. Many tears shed creates a storm, and when attached to the things of this world that all come to meet with their end, tears are shed at the loss. When looking at this asterism from a higher perspective, we dive into the energies of a storm that breaks down that which is not upholding our highest level of evolution, just to bring about new growth and rebirth. When we are truly anchored into being (into our non-changing Nature), then these changes pave way for a new and unexpected perspective… a shift that will unfold itself for many months to come. The Shakti or power of this nakshatra is to make an effort which brings about achievement, thus we may find ourselves with extra energy and the opportunity to bring about a grand shift.

This is one of the most spiritual constellations, and one that does not promote a life which is superficial… the path you’ve been walking may feel safe, familiar and easier to walk than the courage its takes to step out of your comfort zone, which is commonly secure and predictable. With the energies that the ellipse is beckoning into our lives, it will be impossible not to live as your soul desires.


Diving into your spiritual practices brings speedy growth and a breath of fresh air from the stormy winds of change. To harness this energy, a gentle asana practice would be beneficial, along with mantra, meditation, chanting or any practice that draws you in deeper… deeper than you’ve been willing to go before. It is said that tending to any practice on this day will bear fruit a thousand fold. Traditionally, on an eclipse it is most supportive to be indoors, fasting and cultivating your connection with the divine. I encourage you to postpone new beginnings of all kinds and “auspicious” activities for approximately a week on either end of eclipses (there will be a Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, July 16th). I’m not saying it’s going to be easy… however, the time that you spend nurturing the garden of your mind, will definitely be worth it.

The next few days and specifically tomorrow, is a time to take it easy and keep life simple. The mind may feel unsettled and the energies disruptive. As we all know, beautiful people are not born that way, they are forged through the deep fires and revolutionary storms of transformation, just as a diamond is forged under pressure. For the new to unfold, the old must break away… as a caterpillars harrowing journey of breaking apart the cocoon, actually builds the necessary tools to take flight and begin again. Remember that you’re not alone on this journey, we are all just walking each other home. The time is ripe to offer a little extra effort into your spiritual practice, health routine, and emotional well being. Beneficial mantras for the eclipse are: Aum Aim, Aum shri ardra nakshatra devataya namaha and my personal favorite, not my monkey’s, not my circus.

What aspect of your life is requesting attention? Where have you been playing it safe and gripping onto the idea of being secure? What would it take for you to lean a little more into the Unknown and follow the deep calling of your Spirit? Are you willing to sacrifice who you are for who you could become? For more personal in-depth guidance on how you can specifically navigate these powerful, celestial waters, please send me an email to book a reading.


Artwork by Lily Moses

Artwork by Lily Moses

There was a Full Moon Tuesday morning, June 17th (1:31am pst) in Mula nakshatra, the first asterism of Sagittarius. Mula’s shakti is the power to ruin, destroy and to break things apart, so this is a very transformational nakshatra. It is a nakshatra that is about digging deeper, investigating into the Unknown and getting to the root of things, especially the innermost core of your being. It is ruled by Niritti, an ancient form of the dark goddess Kali, who removes suffering by destroying our attachments.

The astrological weather has been rocky, to say the least and this practice helps us to navigate and align with those changing rhythms. The next two weeks are ripe for immense growth and transformation. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. As we look into the process of transformation found in nature, for instance, the phase when the butterfly breaks free from the cocoon. We find that one form, one stage of existence must be completely destroyed before new birth can take place. Take advantage of this fertile time which will spark or reignite your spiritual impulse.

Allow the intensity to work on you, to forge you into who you are willing to become. Surrender and give yourself permission to be surprised. Try something new, instead of trying to hold things together, see what it would feel like to allow things fall apart for a change. Dig deeper, go beneath the surface of things, ground down, and find that state of inner peace and contentment within the chaos, just to rise anew again. Do the inner work, stay rested and on a supportive routine, keep hydrated, spend time in nature and continue to be patient with all experiences, including yourself.

Ground yourself, strip yourself down,

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes



Artwork by

Artwork by

With the new moon early this morning (June 3rd), in the sign of Taurus (Rohini Nakshatra), we dropped into a cycle that represents creativity, abundance and productivity. Rohini’s shakti is to make things grow and thus awakens the power to harness ones creativity and ability to bring expression to thoughts and feelings in an artistic way. This will be a ripe and fertile month for growth, self development, and to bring our thoughts and desires into fruition. Having reverence towards the earth and nature in all it’s various forms will help to keep this energy balanced. Be patient and productive, tend to your spiritual practice, create, dance, play and open your heart towards growing love and joy.

'The garden of the world has no limits, except in your mind.' ~RUMI

To dive deeper into what the current transits and fertile times hold for you, please email me directly at 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕

VoyageLA Interview

Meet Tulsi Bagnoli of Chandra Vidya: Ayurvedic Yoga & Astrology in Topanga Canyon

Photo by Sej Saraiya

Photo by Sej Saraiya

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tulsi Bagnoli.

Tulsi, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
As if this journey chose me, you could say my story and connection to the Vedic tradition began in the womb. Both of my parents were teachers of Transcendental Meditation and my Father, a Jyotiṣa (Vedic) Astrologer. Since birth, I was raised in an atmosphere of mantra, meditation and spiritual lifestyle. My first formal initiation into yoga and meditation came as a young child. From the age of four, I would sit with my parents for morning and evening sadhana (practice). From that moment forward, I became a devoted practitioner and seeker of Vedic wisdom.

In my late teens, I was in a car accident that changed the course of my life. After experiencing the immense healing powers and miracles of a daily yoga sadhana, I felt a strong calling to share this practice with others. Through my dedication to growth and service, I was then guided to become a certified teacher of meditation and Hatha yoga at the age of twenty and went on to complete a B.A. and M.A. in Vedic Science.

One of my very first memories is of my Father making charts by hand. Since I can remember, I was immensely intrigued by the ancient science of astrology (science of light). From being drawn to look up at the stars, to hearing the stories of the constellations and their mythology, I felt and continue to feel a deep pull towards the further investigation into yoga and Ayurveda’s sister science, Jyotiṣa. I was first requested by friends and classmates in University to glance at their astrology charts. Over time, these readings turned into lunch exchanges, donation offerings, and once I began paying for long term studies and mentorships, with the encouragement of friends, I began to slowly charge a fee for my consultations. It wasn’t until three years ago in L.A. when I was asked by a dear friend and colleague on what my favorite topic would be to offer a workshop. My heart said Jyotiṣa astrology and from that workshop on my path was forged.

Photo by Irina Faber - ALO Yoga | Santa Monica, CA

Photo by Irina Faber - ALO Yoga | Santa Monica, CA

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Like most children born into a family of yogis or any system based on universal truth and accessible tools for self-discovery, I too needed to rebel and find the truth through my own eyes. In a sense, I could say that the road has been quite rocky and looking back, every bump, twist and turn along the way has helped to contribute to who I am and the space I hold today.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Chandra Vidya: Ayurvedic Yoga & Astrology story. Tell us more about the business.
I have an established private practice as an Ayurvedic yoga and astrology consultant in Topanga Canyon where I incorporate Jyotiṣa (Vedic) astrology, yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, breathwork, Human Design and holistic modalities to help awaken the individual to their true nature and the untapped energy that flows within us all.

In my consultations, I love to unpack what is ripe in an individual’s stage of evolution. I aim to shine light on what wants to be tended to and cultivated in such a way that the client meets with more ease and grace and less resistance within the current planetary rhythms and influences – as if I’m offering a key to unlock one’s highest potential.

I teach weekly classes and workshops at L.A. based yoga/meditation studios, L.A. county libraries, and in corporate settings including Spotify, Lululemon, Free People, ALO Yoga and L.A.X. Most of these classes, including New and Full Moon women’s gatherings, have moved online. I also teach yoga and am a teacher’s assistant at a private school in Malibu and facilitate group yoga/meditation classes at drug and alcohol treatment centers, such as IOP’s for both youth and adults. Just last week I was hired as the Wellness Program Director at a rooftop lounge in Malibu.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I feel immense grace for having been raised in such a way that my foundation was rooted in consciousness-based education. One could say it was pure luck having a lineage of ancient technologies and teachings to always lean on and pull from and from another perspective, I can only assume to believe this path was chosen consciously or unconsciously from my accumulated past thoughts, speech and actions.

Photo By Sej Saraiya

Photo By Sej Saraiya


  • 1 hour astrology consultation $195 / 1 1/2 $225

  • 1 hour private yoga class $150

  • 1 1/2 hour private breathwork class $150

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