Full Moon in Ashwini: The Star of Transport


Artwork by Carol Hagan

The Full Moon tomorrow morning will be in the constellation of Ashwini (sidereal Aries), the Star of Transport. As Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury stationed direct, this bright moon too beckons forward movement. We’ve been in a holding pattern of sorts these past months. Where you were once experiencing roadblocks, you may now be feeling the call to stride towards the goals you seek to achieve.

Ashwini is the first of twenty seven constellations in the zodiac, is ruled by the Ashwini Kumaras, the celestial doctors to the Gods and is symbolized by the head of a horse. Like the horse, this lunar mansion is eager to begin the journey, express it’s ideas and with a swiftness in approach. Any activity began on this day and especially around health and healing is said to bear quick results.

You may have felt the lack of momentum in one area in your life or another and as if the energy has slowed down even more the past few days. Initiating something new may have come easily these paths months yet there seemed to be no follow through. If you’ve been looking for results you may have felt frustrated in your inability to deliver or perhaps frustrated around someone or a situation you’ve been unwilling or unable to accept. This situation is about to shift.

You are being requested to take action now. Remember that you’re not in charge of the outcome — loosen your grip a little and surrender into the unknown. Anchor into your inner stillness and keep your mind open. Be willing to rise above the uncertainty of what you think may or may not happen and take the first steps, even if you’re not sure how to start. Take the highest and appropriate action that is available at this time. Stay unattached to results and the moment you begin to move forward you will find another opening, flavored with positive assurance.

Make sure to take a few minutes tonight to bathe in the rays of this most auspicious full moon, as it holds extra rejuvenating and nourishing qualities. This moon is known as Sharad Pūrṇimā  and is dedicated to Lakshmi, goddess of the eightfold qualities of both material and spiritual wealth.

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit the https://eyesoftheveda.as.me/ to book a private consultation. I’m offering 20% off readings (as reflected on my booking site) when purchased in the month of October. All my relations