New Moon in Bharani: The Star of Restraint

:: Eclipse Season ::

Artwork by @trishathompsonadams

Pressed with pending decisions? And confronted with the unexpected? 

Eclipse season is upon us as we step into a time outside of time. Saturday initiates our first eclipse in the Aries / Libra axis and we find ourselves on the precipice of a global paradigm shift. April was stacked with astrological shifts and pregnant with a promise of transformation — with the new moon, solar eclipse on the 30th, that doorway will swing wide open. 

Decisions are requesting your attention and it feels as if your world is becoming unglued and the cards have been thrown in the air. The new moon, solar eclipse on Saturday is in the constellation of Bharani (Sidereal Aries) the Star of Restraint. Expect the unexpected. The pressure is beginning to reach a tipping point and the course correction being presented, is not the path you expected. Trust in the process and allow the eclipses to have their way with you.

Eclipses are considered a vulnerable point, as they bring to the surface that which has been kept in the dark and invokes a heightened feeling of uncertainty. The new Moon energy sets the tone for the month to come and solar eclipses are an omen of sorts for the next six months. Track what is trying to make itself known to you over the next couple weeks. Something new is requesting to birth through you — will you jump with impulse and take the decision that is most pressing or will you soften into the changes that have yet to emerge from within? You have more time than you think and you will not recognize yourself when we're through (after the Lunar Eclipse on 5/15).

This is a potent time to meditate on the power of death and the transformational mysteries contained within the womb… a doorway between death and life — that which tends to and nurtures the subtle energies that have yet to surface. As I sit with the energies of Bharani I’m reminded of the old Sufi saying, ‘You must die before you die.’ For you cannot truly be reborn until you’re willing to die — to let go of who you think you are. Stay grounded, keep things simple and be open to being completely renewed. 


To book a private consultation and talk about how YOU can navigate a life free from compromise, while staying open to the transformation processes, visit:

On April 28th, Saturn, the slowest of the seven major planets makes it’s two and a half year transit from sidereal Capricorn into Aquarius. A time to turn a critical eye to your hopes, dreams, goals, contributions, social structures, friendships, and community involvement. 

  • April 27-May 23: Venus Exalted (Pisces)

  • April 28: Saturn moves into Aquarius 

  • April 30th: New Moon / Solar Eclipse - Aries (Bharani)

  • May 2/3: Akshaya Tritiya (Day of lasting achievements)

  • May 10th-June 3rd: Mercury Retrograde

  • May 14th: Sun enters Taurus 

  • May 15th: Full Moon / Lunar Eclipse - Scorpio (Vishakha) 

  • May 29th: New Moon - Taurus (Rohini)