New Moon in Śatabhiṣā: The Veiling Star

:: Amāvásyā  ::

Artwork by Adrian Cox

The New Moon Wednesday morning (3/2) lands in the sidereal constellation of Śatabhiṣā (Aquarius), the Veiling star. This lunar mansion possesses a hundred stars, is symbolized by an empty circle, ambrosia, intoxication, mystical knowledge, isolation, philosophical thinking, and is ruled by Varuna, the god of the night sky and the cosmic and terrestrial waters.

Synchronicities are presenting themselves with full power now, the energies are intensifying and are accompanied with confronting decisions or perhaps the feeling that your next steps hold the potential to significantly impact the chapter that is about to unfold. We’re peering over the edge of great change, a prelude to major planetary shifts that are pregnant with a promise of increasing clarity, ease and softening and hold the potential for a global paradigm shift. The eighteen month transition of the lunar nodes (rahu/ketu) from Taurus/Scorpio (Sidereal) into Aries/Libra on March 16th initiates this change, followed by Jupiter into Pisces April 13th and Saturn into Aquarius April 28th.

The uncertainty and pressure that you’re being met with now is teaching you something deeper about yourself — who you are and where you ultimately want to go. You may be experiencing inner conflict at the moment and know that a door is opening if you’re willing to walk through it. This is a powerful time of new beginnings if you accept the initiation process.

Śatabhiṣā nakshatra has to do with cosmic law and contains within it the shakti or power to heal and support. The purpose of life is to live everything. All things that come have a purpose — all the difficulties, triggers and apparent loss in our lives are providing us with the precise medicine that we need to dissolve the ego, and fade back into the truth of our own being.

There’s a desire, a yearning within us all, to ultimately merge back with the creator, with nature, with our higher Self. The intention and spur that motivates our action at the root, is the same and the individuals journey that plays out is very different for us all. The mind is naturally motivated to move towards greater fields of happiness and the bottom line is, we revert back to what we know and what we’ve been taught — to work with what we have, where we are in the moment. For this reason, we cannot judge another’s journey and the tools they use to reach their destination. It is after all the god of the night that makes forms fade away, and when all forms fade away, only unity remains.

Perhaps the medicine lies in coming to terms with where you’re feeling stuck and remembering why you’re trying to achieve this goal in the first place. If it’s real, it can take the pressure, the bumps in the road — it can be tested. Commit like you’ve never committed before to that which is beckoning you forward. If you’ve been feeling insecure or second guessing a decision, ask yourself, if I didn’t take this action, would I regret it in the future? Heed the call.

We’re being encouraged to move through certain experiences so we can purify the ego, rectify our path and learn from the veil of confusion that has been fogging our ability to see things as they are. Steep in your practices which move you into right relationship with Self. Self sovereignty is needed now more then ever. Stay rooted within yourself, generate a vision of peace and be there for each other.

They say all who rise, eventually converge — and that grand convergence is happening now. Keep going.

- All my Relations -

For assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please click here to Book A Consultation

Terence McKenna // “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”