Solar Eclipse in Aśvini: Star of Transport

Solar Eclipse

Artist Unknown

Eclipse season commences with the new moon (amāvásyā) Wednesday night in the Vedic constellation of Aśvinī अश्विनी (sidereal Aries), the Star of Transport. You may feel as if you’re on the edge as we step into a time outside of time, where things aren’t what they seem. This eclipse portal stimulates confrontation with the unknown, encourages rejuvenation, is ripe for accelerated spiritual growth and beckons all that has been hidden to be brought to the surface — lean in and move towards balance.

 Aśvinī is the first of twenty-seven constellations in the sidereal zodiac, is symbolized by the head of a horse, ruled by the Aśvinī Kumaras, the celestial doctors to the Gods and is the storehouse of all creative potential, which currently lays dormant. Like the horse, this lunar mansion is eager to begin the journey, express its ideas and with a swiftness in approach. We can learn from a practice used with race horses, where blinders are put on to avoid the horse from getting distracted by what’s happening on either side of them and to prevent a miss step— reminding us to stay present, not minding what anyone else thinks and remaining with a one-pointed focus on whatever is before us.

This is an important time to see into yourself. Resist any urgency to initiate projects of all kinds. Remember you’re not in charge of the outcome — loosen your grip a little and surrender into the unknown. Slow down and anchor into your inner stillness, keep your mind open and allow the eclipses to have their way with you. Welcome the rising friction to stir up duality and purify that which is no longer needed — a process which ultimately stabilizes self knowledge. Take your time with decisions — wait until the end of May, beginning of June to forge ahead. We’re moving into a time of action and you have more time than you think.

The 21st of April offers great energetic change as Mercury stations retrograde in Aries, and Jupiter shifts from Pisces to Aries, initiating a new twelve year cycle. Jupiter in Gandanta (karmic knot between water and fire signs) brings more uncertainty, a feeling of things being out of control (keep on eye on the weather), which may lead to a celestial healing of sorts — especially with the financial markets. Reflect on whats being revealed and notice what needs to untangle in your life. There may be similar themes from the energies in 2011 (take a moment to reflect on the timing).

We’re bing encouraged to circle around with projects placed on the back burner — specifically around health and healing. Backup your computers, leave extra time for traveling, slow down your speech and be mindful of the way in which you communicate and respond. Notice what's being exposed over these next few weeks. Be aware of increased impulsivity and do your best to keep life simple, to stay grounded and rested. Avoid traveling and major changes on this day and around the eclipses, if possible. Expect the unexpected.

The sun and moon are both exalted on April 22, which is one of the most auspicious festivals in the Vedic calendar, known as Akshaya Tritiya — the day of lasting achievements. It is said that any life supporting action done on this day is multiplied a thousand times. Since it’s not the best day for new beginnings, due to the current transits, this would be a beautiful day to offer a donation or be of service to someone in need. All My Relations

If you could use some assistance in navigating what this means for you personally, please visit Vedic Astrology to book private consultation. Love All Ways

The solar eclipse will occur from 6:37 p.m. to 9:56 p.m. PST on April 19th.

"In order to establish order, disorder has to be shaken; and for shaking to remain under control, we who are at the basis, at the level of Para, have to be Para – that is, unreachable by the surface turmoil. In that integrated state, the fast moving chaos and change will pass away in a steady manner.

So, we have to be very steady. We have to be very careful not to get upset by little or big things. If we lose our basis, our dignity, the phase transition will take much longer.

Don't give importance to things which may upset us. This is a very precious time for the world. Everything depends on how our awareness is; just don't let it be shaken. Our awareness is the basis of all these transformations. More than ever before, time demands we remain completely ourselves. It is a very tender, delicate time for us - we should not become angry, indifferent, or sad; we should just be like an ocean. The evolutionary power is waking up.

We shake it, then leave it; then after some time shake it again. Each time a new level of purity, awakening, is added.”

~ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Full Moon in Hasta: Star of the Hand


Artwork from Pinterest: Tantrik period

April’s bright moon culminates Wednesday evening in the constellation of Hasta (sidereal Virgo), the Star of the Hand. This Vedic lunar mansion is ruled by Savitṛ, the life giving aspect of the Sun, is symbolized by a hand, and it’s power or shakti lies in the ability to put one’s object of desire into one’s hand. This cycle is requesting us to release that which does not belong to us, so we can magnetize that which has always been ours. 

I’ve titled April a month of New Beginnings: Self Inquiry & Celestial Healing. Eclipse season is around the corner, with the New Moon, Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 19th. Benevolent Jupiter makes his yearly transit from Pisces into Aries, where he’ll join Rahu (the North node) and Mercury retrogrades into Aries on the 21st. April is ripe with potential for deep investigation and healing. 

Just like this constellation's animal totem, the female buffalo, who embodies the energies of abundance and prayer, Hasta awakens the power to gain what you are seeking and place it in the palm of your hand. Its whole energy is about seeking and acquiring the object of your desire. For the First Nations people, buffalo was considered sacred and was a major source of sustenance — as its entire body was honored and used, right down to the fur and bones. 

Buffalo medicine reminds us to reconnect to the meaning of life and the value of peace, Hasta is about recalibration and development of our higher thinking to achieve our desires. Stay humble enough to attune with and ask higher power, Great Spirit, divinity, for assistance and to align with the frequency of gratitude for what you receive. If we could only get out of our own way, Nature has something even greater in store for us.

What would it take for you to loosen your grip, even just a little and surrender? The hand can be symbolized here by a fist that grasps, clings and is attached to controlling the outcome. From another perspective, the hand can be seen as outstretched and open, filled with creatively and refined craftsmanship… in flow and being of service.

As you hold the vision of that which you would like to manifest into fruition, realign with your intuition and higher thinking. Seek out the middle point -- neither clinging nor resisting. Get clear on who you are and where you want to go. 

What are you ready to release? to make room for what you’re magnetizing with this lunation cycle. Expect the unexpected while keeping the glass half full perspective. Lean into the changes that are presenting themselves while following your heart and sticking to your personal truth.

This full moon is also Hanumān Jayantī, a day of honoring and celebrating the embodiment of devotion, friendship and courage. 

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology a book a private consultation. All my Relations

"The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you. Don't go back to sleep.”


New Moon in Uttara Bhadrapadā: The Warrior Star


Artwork by: Samādhi Collective

March’s celestial clock dials the sun and moon together on Tuesday morning, in the Vedic nakshatra of Uttarabhadrapadā उत्तरभद्रपदा (sidereal Pisces), the Warrior Star. The pressure continues to build this next week and know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. The current storm we’re moving through carries with it a sense of a victory to come. This lunation cycle is connected to fertility of both earth and sky and opens the channels to reveal wisdom gained through experience — to excavate the unconscious, harmonize universal mind and stabilize the friction we’ve been encountering.

Recent clarity ignited a desire inside and in turn, illumined a path forward. Often when we follow our heart’s desire and step into uncharted territory, we’re met with resistance, confronted with doubt and even feelings of unworthiness. As easy as it can be to turn back to our old ways, which may feel safe and appear to have less residence; a transformation from one cycle into another requires a new approach: trusting in divine protection, and that our desire is naturally in alignment. Moving forward, even though there is no guarantee, versus second guessing the outcome.

Lean into the process of breaking down and releasing limiting beliefs, stories and habits that are no longer contributing. Glimpse into any vulnerability you’re experiencing and see how you can anchor into a stronger foundation amongst that which is coming up to be revealed — this can often resemble a dark night of the soul experience. Shift your narrative and look upon any perceived flaws that may be blocking your way, as a course correction instead of an opposition. Keep a big picture perspective as you calculate your goals and actions which are aimed at success. 

This dark moon is considered to be the astronomical new year and opens an energetic doorway. March 22nd begins the auspicious nine nights devoted to the divine feminine (Spring Navarātri). This festival beckons a time to cultivate our inward journey.

 Remember that the pressure you’re experiencing now, is the precise medicine that is needed for what comes next. Very similar to the journey of the butterfly, who in the process of breaking itself free from the cocoon, develops the very muscles needed to be able to fly. When utilized to excavate deeper, these next couple of weeks can assist in harnessing the creative intelligence and infinite potential that will magnetize the next cycle to come.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance on how you can navigate the current celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to schedule a private consultation. 

All my Relations

Brene brown // “Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage. A lot of cheap seats in the arena are filled with people who never venture onto the floor.”

Full Moon in Pūrva Phalgunī: The Fruit of the Tree


Artwork by @hvalor

March’s bright moon lands in the predawn hours of Tuesday morning, in the Vedic lunar mansion of Pūrva Phalgunī पूर्वफल्गुनी (Leo), the Fruit of the Tree. This lunation cycle invokes a sense of heightened creativity, sexuality, desire and passion, which encourages us to express ourselves, lean into the comforts of life and to follow the joy of our heart’s desire.

The new moon a couple weeks ago in the constellation of Śatabhiṣā (Aquarius), the veiling star, set the tone for the current lunar month. A great question to meditate on, would be: What truths are being unveiled to you now that were previously unclear? As you lean a little more into your intuition and embrace all that is living through you, you may have found that perhaps life has begun to flow a little more eloquently and at the same time, whenever one moves towards that which they desire, they’re often confronted by the opposing element. This is a test of sorts, inviting us to take a deeper look at our relationship with that which “controls” us.

The star of fertility is both courageous and a visionary, like its bird medicine, the eagle. This full moon awakens within the heart, the courage to face the tests and initiations being presented to us; to rise above the mundane, to break free from walking in the shadows of our past experiences and open our eyes to a higher perspective. Pūrva Phalgunī can bring complications with our eyes, both literally and figuratively; we can become blinded to that which is right in front of us and on the flip side, when met with awareness, can take us to a heightened perspective. 

When we go for what we truly want, trauma can sweep in to meet us. The common threads I’ve witnessed coming up for many in the past couple weeks have involved feelings of grief, frustration and anger, and specifically around a certain situation in our lives that perhaps isn’t providing the very momentum we’ve been hoping for. All activity is dependent on periods of non activity. After facing worldly battles and tending to one’s duties and responsibilities, there is a period of rest, relaxation and enjoyment that follows. This period of rest is associated with Pūrva Phalgunī and is the very muse that kindles the impulse towards enlivening our creative intelligence and effortless action.

Pūrva Phalgunī reminds us that complex problems can be solved in a relaxed mood and that the practice of yoga ultimately teaches us how to be at ease in the presence of the Unknown. The deeper you go, the more you tend to the stillness within, the more dynamic and effortless your activity becomes. The Yogasūtra’s (2.47) state, that it is ‘in the relaxation of our effort and capacity to become absorbed in the infinite, that bears fruit of effortless action — action established in being or yoga (union).’ 

This full moon also marks a very special Vedic holiday known as Holi — the festival of colors. This holiday marks the beginning of Spring and celebrates the victory of good over evil — sattva (the creative force) over destruction.

The veil is lifting and we’re beginning to see the issues that have stood in our way. Now we know what needs to be done to navigate the changes that are necessary to bring about the openness and evolution that we seek. A little struggle brings with it a promise of a breakthrough to come. Don’t get caught up with what isn’t working. Continue to tend to a solid foundation and move in the direction of your heart’s desire, even if the odds appear to be wavering, don’t give up now.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the celestial waters, please visit Jyotish Astrology to book a consultation. ~ Love All ways // All my Relations

“To be baffled and obstructed is what engages creativity. This is the practice of poets, dreamers, and artists alike: to show up at the frontiers of uncertainty where we are met by ten thousand things. We practice there, on the verge, amateur and unprepared, at being friendly - or at least willing - towards the discomforts of our confusions. As Rumi says, ‘Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment!’ “ -Toko-pa-Turner

New Moon in Śatabhiṣā: the Veiling Star


Photo: Pinterest

This month's dark moon ascends in the late night hours tonight, in the heart of Sidereal Aquarius, and constellation of Śatabhiṣā ( शतभिषा )  The Veiling star. This lunar mansion possesses a hundred stars, and is ruled by Varuna, the god of the night sky and the cosmic & terrestrial waters. Varuna’s duty is to make certain that all things on earth come into alignment with cosmic order and to awaken the desire within us to pierce the veil of Darkness and enter the Void.

This constellation, just like the animal ruler the horse, our civilization's first animal medicine, embodies both mystical and physical powers, which allows it to carry burdens over great distances with ease. Often the trials and tribulations experienced under the star of the divine healer are brought up to be experienced to rectify our path, to learn from that confusion and can ultimately become a vehicle for self-realization. 

Many have been brought to their knees in the past few weeks and have been reaching to define a sense of meaning to their life. Who am I? What am I doing? and where am I going? Know that you’re not alone if these questions have been preoccupying the mind. 

When circumstances in our life shift, our narrative too must pivot. Have you been gathering your sense of meaning in life from a title, relationship or belief that you have? This cycle can produce a reawakening of our vital energies that draws us away from identifying with anything on the outside and into a deeper understanding of ourselves.  

All the difficulties, triggers and apparent loss in our lives are providing us with the precise medicine that we need to dissolve the ego, and fade back into the truth of our own being — Just like, the medicine of the horse, who gifts us with the power and focus to step into the Unknown, to rest in the remembering of who we are and gain the capacity to make meaning from that place of self trust and understanding. 
Don’t take shortcuts to acquire the answers that you seek, as “diseases” birthed under Śatabhiṣā are difficult to heal and are optimized by grounding into a consistent and disciplined routine (yoga, meditation, healthy food and balanced lifestyle). Wisdom distilled and obtained during this cycle can offer great healing for yourself and assist in bringing illumination to others. 

Stay patient, compassionate, in your heart and brave enough to walk through the dissolution process. Know that this heavy medicine and profound work that is available on this earth walk, will meet with success when balanced by doses of play and joy. Clarity and a heighten sense of ambition and drive towards accomplishing your personal goals comes with months end.

If you could use assistance in navigating the current transits, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a private consultation and to read my bi-monthly blog. Know that I’m here to support you.

All my relations

Terence McKenna // “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”

Full Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star


Artwork by @mooncrab.jpg

The bright moon on Sunday morning awakens the primordial, serpent energy, bound within the constellation of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Cancer), The Clinging Star. Just like the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper to unite with one’s desired outcome.

A quest which draws us to embrace balance between good and bad — the dance of our lower nature that must be won over before we can attune to our higher power. This kind of transmutation, which turns poison into medicine, very much relates to the shadow energies entwined within our ego — awaiting to be acknowledged and thus subdued, for the throne of authority to be achieved. 

What are you ready to shed? We’re moving out of Mercury retrograde's shadow period and the subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening. Continue to distill down the wisdom and lessons that have been presenting themselves since the beginning of the year. Learn to transcend your emotional reactions and become more goal oriented, consistent and disciplined in your pursuit to establish your desired hopes and dreams. Wait out the fortnight of the waning moon before initiating those new beginnings, commitments and projects that have been awaiting you. 

All my Relations

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a consultation. Love all ways

Dogen Zenji // “Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.”

Artwork by Caroline Smith

  • February 5th: Full Moon Āśleṣā (Cancer) 

  • February 6th: Mercury enters Capricorn 

  • February 12: Sun enters Aquarius 

  • February 15th: Venus enters Pisces 

  • February 18th: Maha Shivaratri 

  • February 19th: New Moon Shatabhishā (Aquarius)

  • February 27th: Mercury enters Aquarius 

New Moon in Uttarāṣāḍha: The Universal Star


Painting of Ganesha with Consort circa 1825. Kangra India. Pahari painting. National Museum, New Delhi

As one book closes with the standstill of time, another opens with the dark moon in the Vedic lunar mansion of Uttarāṣāḍha उत्तराषाढ़ा (Capricorn). This lunation cycle initiates the lunar new year, a fortnight of action, and invokes our ability to align with our ambitions and persevere towards a later victory.

The star of victory is slow and deliberate, just like Ganesha, who’s tusk is associated with Uttarāṣāḍha. Be patient and find strength to surrender your efforts instead of pushing forward. I believe Lao Tzu said it best, “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” Your efforts thus far have not been in vain and yet have most likely been met with resistance — it is not the time to set down your pen, as this story has just begun.

Perhaps a new approach all around will aid in the momentum you seek. Take a step back towards a more universal perspective, skillfully control your desires, and focus on your needs and not your wants. Choose steps towards any available pathway that will move you in the direction you’ve been seeking. Do your best not to get lost in the details and know that this path too may also be met with a course correction down the road. 

Much clarity has surfaced with the recent stationing of mercury and mars and a great weight has lifted with Saturns long awaited transit into Aquarius. There are answers upon the horizon that are available to you now — continue to distill down the wisdom you’ve been acquiring these past months, into the beginning of February. This is the time to stay the course, be undeterred by any obstacles you may find on your path and commit to the long game.

This first new moon of the year is Mauni Amāvásyā (मौनी अमावस्या) a day of honoring silence and our ancestors. This would also be an opportune moment to set your intentions for not only the next lunation cycle and also for the year to come. Contrary to popular belief, twenty-four hours after the new moon (Sunday AM) is the most fertile time for planting seed intentions as the moon has had a chance to gain more light and momentum. Take a moment to get clear, write down an intention or two, offer it to the Universe and then let it go. All my relations 

For personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit Vedic Astrology with Tulsi to book a consultation. Love all ways

Full Moon in Punarvasu: The Star of Renewal


Artwork by Mystic Mamma

The full moon on Friday afternoon lands in the constellation of Punarvasu पुनर्वसु (sidereal Gemini), the Star of Renewal. This nakshatra is symbolized by a quiver of arrows, has the power to bestow prosperity and represents the light that returns after a storm. These particular arrows are thought to be magical  — once released and the objective has been obtained, they circle back around. Just like that, this renewal of energy brings with it hope for a second chance. Know that this month can be defined with major transformation, changing of the guard, and may even bring about a change of mind as mercury stations direct. 

As many around the world have been pressing the reset button and bringing their attention to new years resolutions — astronomically, this is not the time for new beginnings or forging ahead with your agendas. The current pulse encourages a slow and steady pace, one of reflection and reconciliation between the heart-mind polarity. 

You may feel as if you’re taking two steps forward and four steps back — a push and pull of sorts — which allows us to recognize that we may not be ready for that experience we desire with all of our being, quite yet. We’re in the mode of gathering more information. Focus on your priorities, release that which isn’t contributing to your desired destination and continue to be patient a little longer. Move one step at a time, and keep your action steps and goals to yourself.

Saturn, the great time keeper, steps powerfully from Capricorn, where it’s been since 2020 and into Aquarius, it’s mūlatrikona (where a planet finds it’s roots) sign, mid month. We will be moving from restriction, hard work and a sense of constriction to a unifying and awakening in the collective, a global receptivity to truth, which turns a critical eye to our hopes and dreams, while enlivening energetic sovereignty and community involvement.

To book a private consultation and talk about what the current planetary alignment means for YOU, please visit: Vedic Astrology Consultation

  • January 6th: Full Moon Punarvasu (Gemini) 

  • January 13th: Mars direct in Taurus

  • January 14th: Sun enters Capricorn (Makar Sankranti) (Important, practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on this day) 

  • January 17th: Saturn enters Aquarius 

  • January 18th: Mercury direct in Sagittarius 

  • January 21st: New Moon Uttarashada (Capricorn)

  • January 25th: Vasant Panchami (Day of Saraswati - Learning, wisdom & music)

New Moon in Mūla: The Foundation Star


Artwork by Ravi Zupa

There are certain stars in the night sky that awaken a wild, primordial energy within us. The kind of power that shifts our attention from the seen to the unseen, from the quest to achieve material success, to that which directs us towards initiation of the souls spiritual journey.

December’s celestial dance, dials both the sun and moon, in the pre-dawn hours of Friday morning, to the exact degree within the Galactic center, or lunar mansion of Mūla मूल (sidereal Sagittarius), the Foundation Star. December 23rd, 2:17am pst.

Woven within the unseen architecture of our being, lies the storehouse of all our experience, the imprint of our karmic records, which has a strong hold on us. Some of which has become ripe for us to experience and play out in this lifetime, and ultimately orchestrates our likes, dislikes, habits and routines. Just like the ruling deity of this constellation, Niritti (ancient name for Kali), who’s fierce dance destroys ignorance and helps us to see beyond the veil of illusion, Mūla holds the power to destroy. As garden beds are turned over at the end of the season to prepare for the coming spring, this destruction is witnessed as that which needs to be tapped into, loosened and deconstructed, so something new can be birthed.

This is the moment that can awaken a sincere intrigue to go deeper. Through your devoted efforts and excavation into uprooting that which is hidden from view, previous secret information and knowledge can be revealed to you. This same energy, when utilized correctly, with dedication and effort, can delete and rewrite those codes that have been dictating much of which has been playing out in your life, so new habits and patterns can take root

Photo by: Brad Goldpaint

Perhaps the very things that are dismantling and becoming unraveled in your life are the very things that will seed what comes next. Be patient, control your impulses, stay inquisitive and willing to go against the grain. You hold the capacity to re-write those pre-determined codes that have brought you up until to this very moment. Utilize meditation practices to keep your nerves calm and kriyas to excavate and break up your root impulses.

This next lunation cycle offers a powerful shift, ripe for expedited evolution — an opening that spurs the type of investigation which represents a symbolic unravelling of the knots tied in our previous life to establish a strong foundation and reveal the tools necessary to navigate the current karma which has become ripe for us to experience in this life.

20% off when purchased by 12/26 with code: HOLYDAYS22 Purchase Here

If you could use some assistance in shining light on and navigating the current celestial weather or you’d like to give the gift of the stars to your near and dear, click the link above to purchase a private consultation or a gift certificate.

You can book/schedule directly through my site with code above or send a venmo @prakrti ($195) and email to schedule (both links here -

Ground yourself, strip yourself down,

To blind loving silence.

Stay there, until you see

You are gazing at the Light

With its own ageless eyes


Full Moon in Rohini: Star of Ascent


Artwork by Caroline Smith

The bright moon reaches it’s zenith this evening in the constellation of Rohini (the eye of Taurus), the Star of Ascent. Rohini is the moons favorite celestial abode, with it’s alluring, charismatic and magnetic charm. This red star is said to represent the height of the moon’s creative intelligence and is one of the brightest amongst the nights sky (Aldebaran). This full moon energizes the power to attract and unite with one’s desires, as this constellation is known for bestowing support for growth on the material plane.

At it’s peak, the bright moon crosses over mars retrograde, generating a planetary combination known as chandra-maṅgala yoga, which awakens the power to materialize wealth. This energy sows the seeds for a perfect storm, which is both fertile and passionate, and activates our ability to conquer that which we desire. 

Be bold and go forward towards your goals, while remaining mindful, as this same energetic combination can lead to burn out, over indulgence and hyper sensitivity. Stay tuned to your bodies need for rest and rejuvenation, while striking a fine balance between pleasing your physical and spiritual senses. 

This is a powerful time to release fears, doubts and heaviness that may be standing in your way. You could even write a letter to someone or something that still holds an element of anger or frustration for you or that you’re ready to forgive and or release. Write this letter and then offer it into the fire to be released.

For assistance in tracking this shift on a personal level, please visit Jyotish Consultation to book a private consultation. Know that I’m here to support you. All my relations

New Moon in Anuradha: The Star of Success


Art by @Sveta_Illustrations

The dark moon Wednesday afternoon lands in the lunar mansion of Anuradha (Scorpio), the Star of Success. We’re on the precipice of great change. As a new chapter unfolds, we’re greeted with expansive new beginnings. Welcome this new moon with internalized practices that are both grounding and tend to inner peace, so you can illumine the hidden potential of this transit.

Anuradha awakens the potential for healing in relationships and sparks the ability to cultivate devotion to something greater than oneself — to a higher love. This constellation seeks to build and harmonize with community, to collaborate and form deep and sincere friendships and lasting alliances. Anuradha is a universal solvent which naturally bridges discordant energies. Opportunities for great healing are initiated around exclusion, the renewal of friendships and the beginning of new and meaningful bonds. 

This nakshatra has the power to turn the unconscious, conscious. Just like the majestic lotus flower that emerges from the mud, guided by the light of the Sun, you too will reach your goal in time. Be courageous and daring to go deeper than you’ve been willing to go — face the things that are unconscious now and bring them into the light of awareness. As this lunar mansion teaches us — it only takes a spark to ignite the thirst to go deeper.

Minutes after the new moon, benevolent Jupiter stations direct in Pisces, after being retrograde since July 28th. Jupiter’s most welcomed grace offers a flavor of encouragement along with a positive and compassionate outlook. We’re being asked to review areas in our life associated with wisdom, partnership, growth, expansion, children, teachers, and travel. 

Mars, the fierce and passionate planet, continues his retrograde motion through January and asks us to keep our energy, frustration, anger, and responses in check. You may have noticed yourself or others, quicker to react then normal, leaning in their impulsive side or burning the candle at both ends. When planets are retrograde they tend to awaken in intensity and have the ability to activate the harsher qualities of that planet. Slow down, stay cool, digest what is being said before reacting, and know that with awareness we can equally harness the higher modes of Mars: charisma, courage, enthusiasm, healthy ambition and passion. 

For a deeper look at what this transit means for you personally, please visit the link in my bio to book a private consultation. ~ All my Relations 

Lunar Eclipse in Bharani: The Star of Restraint

Lunar Eclipse

Artwork by Trisha Thompson Adams

Early Tuesday morning the moon reaches its zenith, with a total lunar eclipse in Bharani (Aries), the Star of Restraint. There’s a feeling in the air that your world is becoming unglued and the cards have been thrown in the air. The veil is thin and we find ourselves standing at the threshold of irreversible change. Expect the unexpected.

Eclipses are considered to be a vulnerable point, as they bring to the surface that which has been kept in the dark and invokes a heightened feeling of uncertainty. Lunar eclipses trigger an instant exposure from our past, while solar eclipses offer an omen and flavor for the next six months to come. Track what is trying to make itself known to you, as eclipses are a doorway to peer deeper into yourself.

This doorway offers a promise of accelerated spiritual growth if you’re willing to take a deeper look below the surface and excavate into your unconscious. Have you been listening? Know that the challenges that are arising now have a purpose and perhaps embracing your vulnerability is your greatest medicine and ally at this time.

As I sit with the energies of Bharani, I’m reminded of the old Sufi saying, ‘You must die before you die.’ For you cannot truly be reborn until you’re willing to die — to be willing to let go of who you think you are. Birth and death are complementary processes — when in balance, the soul meets the force of evolution with ease, when out of balance, we’re often met with confrontation. 

The rose colored glasses will be coming off and you may find new parts of yourself and your life being revealed to you now. A balancing act between self and other.  Something new is requesting to birth through you. You have more time than you think and you will not recognize yourself when we're through. The lunar nodes which invoke the eclipse process are known as the great awakeners. We’re being awakened now from a deep sleep, as if a previous illusion or veil is becoming transparent now. 

Be willing to lean all the way in and release entertaining what’s no longer for you, so you can birth yourself anew. Take another week or so to keep it simple — to track, embrace, digest, and stabilize all that is being shown to you now. After the integration process, you will be invited to look at the bigger picture, to stand in your convictions, and commit to that which is in full alignment for you. Release the outcome for the Universe to unfold and allow yourself to be surprised. 

For assistance in tracking this shift on a personal level, please visit Jyotish Consultations to book a private consultation. Know that I’m here to support you. All my relations

Nisargadatta Maharaj // “Pain is physical; suffering is mental. Beyond the mind there is no suffering. Pain is essential for the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness to move on, to flow with life.”

New Moon in Swāti: The Star of Self Actualization


Artwork by @Astroccult

Eclipse season is initiated with the dark moon early Tuesday morning and lands in the lunar mansion of Swāti, the Star of Self actualization. This new moon is a partial solar eclipse, which carries an omen of the energies to unfold within the next six months. Eclipses invoke positive change and transformation wherever they land in your chart (especially when aligned with your moon or rising sign). Libra is that position within the celestial architecture that is most in need of balance. The fine tuning point between self and other — anchoring into and committing fully to self sovereignty and radical self love, while practicing the grace of presence and participation within this co-created dream.

With the opening of the eclipse portal, it’s as if we’re stepping into a time outside of time. Things may not be as they seem. You may be feeling restless and emotionally tender. Swāti has the power to “scatter like the wind” — thus, we must stay adaptable yet firmly grounded. Loosen your grip on the idea that you have control over the outcome of your actions and act from a place of balance and responsibility. Move beyond the idea of accomplishment and failure, winning and losing and know that big shifts take time. Honor the feelings of restlessness, as they’re a part of an important process which is ultimately spurring you to take action where it is necessary. 

Many of us may feel as if we’re in the midst of a holding pattern within a current situation and others may be struggling to establish that connection with self or other that has left you feeling as if your needs are not being met. Saturn stations direct tomorrow (10/23) and with that, momentum begins to build. Take another couple weeks to assess and track the structures and commitments you’ve set up for yourself. Be willing to take an honest look at where you may have been getting in your own way, and the direction, values and people that may no longer be serving you. Get clear — stand in your authenticity and personal convictions and have the courage to forge a new path where there is transparent, clear communication and a deeper connection. What are you ready to commit to and in such a way that it’s moving you towards your higher purpose?

This is a good time to postpone pushing forward personal agendas and big decisions and lean into wisdom and higher philosophy that brings a sense of grounding and inner security. Since this constellation is governed by prana (vital life force) this solar eclipse is ripe for breathwork, pranayama and meditation. Slow down, pause, go within and cultivate a sense of stabilized inner balance and harmony.

Today (10/22) marks the beginning of Diwali (festival of lights) with Dhanteras  — a day devoted to Dhanvantari (father of Āyurveda). This festival enlivens the themes of cleansing, renewal and prosperity. Families honor this day by cleaning their homes and offices, wearing new clothes and lighting candles in the evening time to honor and welcome Mahālakṣmī, the eight-fold embodiment of abundance into their homes. 

Take a moment to reflect on where you could be more adaptable in your life? And perhaps, where you may be too flexible and have been compromising your sense of personal sovereignty. Practice striking a fine balance of holding both self and other within this co-created dream.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the current astrological weather, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultation bio to book a Jyotish consultation. ~ All my relations 

“Ground yourself, strip yourself down, to blind loving silence. Stay there, until you see you are gazing at the Light with its own ageless eyes.” ~ Jalaluddin Rumi


  • October 22nd: Dhanvantari Jayanti (Dhanteras)

  • October 23rd: Saturn direct in Capricorn 

  • October 25th: New Moon in Swati (Libra) Partial Solar Eclipse Diwali (Festival of Lights)

  • October 31st: Mars retrograde in Gemini

  • November 8th: Full Moon in Bharani (Aries) Total Lunar Eclipse

  • November 16th: Sun enters Virgo (Important, practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on this day)

  • November 23: New Moon Anuradha (Scorpio) Jupiter direct in Pisces 

Full Moon in Revatī: The Wealthy Star


Painting c. 18th century, Jodhpur, Rajasthan of Pārśvanātha, a Jain tīrthankara 

The full moon Sunday morning lands at the end of the zodiac, in the constellation of Revatī, the Wealthy Star. Revatī holds the energy contained within the gap, the source codes which usher in the transition from death to rebirth — from endings into new beginnings. 

Revatī teaches us to expand our vision to see the bigger picture held within Universal mind, and that which is attuned to collective consciousness. This celestial anointment awakens one’s heart and births the unconditional love, nourishment and protection associated with the Great Mother. 

This full moon, accompanied by benevolent Jupiter, holds the energy to assist us in transcending our fears, and tending to that which we would like to nurture and grow. We’ve stepped out of Mercury retrograde’s shadow and are being invited to pierce through the veil and take a leap of faith towards that which we truly desire. Go forth my brothers and sisters and allow yourself to be surprised by what awaits you.

For more personalized, in-depth guidance, please visit Jyotish Consultations to schedule a private consultation.

All my Relations

"To be free comes not from changing or fixing this world, but from seeing this world as it is and opening the heart in the midst of it." ~ J. Krishnamurthi

Victory of Good over Evil

Vijaya Dashami

Today we celebrate the victory of good over evil with the culmination of Navarātri - nine nights dedicated to honoring the divine feminine. One could say that the root of all evil is to separate - from source, oneself, and all our relations.

I recall those moments where the invitation comes sweeping in and I find myself standing at the edge of that threshold.

To die in each moment to the false stories, beliefs and perceptions I’ve created or accepted about myself and this waking dream. To illumine the places untouched and hidden from view. That process which evokes one’s former limited identity to transform -  returning incoherency to coherency. Harmonizing mind, body and emotions through that courageous experience of grounding into something higher. A crucifixion and resurrection which awakens that Holy lamp within the center of the heart. 

I believe this is perhaps what the Sufis and many other traditions are speaking of. That victory of good over evil — to die before you die. That inner directed shift and right of passage that takes you over the threshold of irreversible change.

With that, I ask you my beloved brothers and sisters - when will you exchange your small life of separation, so that you can fulfill your greater part?

You may never feel ready to step completely into the Unknown and what awaits you is immeasurable love. The choice is yours.

Love all ways

New Moon in Uttara Phalguni: The Star of Patronage


Photo by hheininge

The dark moon early Sunday morning lands in the constellation of Uttara Phalguni (Virgo) the Star of Patronage and is accompanied by exalted Mercury, Venus, the Sun and Jupiter in Pisces benevolent gaze. Hospitality, protection of agreements and contracts, selflessness, service to those in need, and the grace to bear fruit are all associated with this nakshatra.

Spend the next couple days honoring and feeding your ancestors, literally and figuratively, as the veil is thin and you’re being supported from all angles. Since the full moon we’ve been celebrating Pritu Paksha (Fortnight of the Ancestors) and the most important day for honoring your ancestors is on this amāvásyā. Spend time attuning your inward flow of awareness towards the legacy you’ve inherited from those who have walked before you.

This is a time to harmonize your intellect and soul to spur momentum towards evolutionary growth, along with gains on the material plane. The energies of this dark moon find fulfillment in extending service to those beyond your immediate family — to your inner circle and broader community. Even though you may have been experiencing resistance on the path towards achieving your heart’s desire, stay with the course and practice moving one step at a time instead of continuing to reassess your direction.

We’re in the last couple weeks of Mercury retrograde, continue to gather more information, circle around and complete pending projects — you’re now building the foundation and setting the stage for what is to come. Continue to postpone new projects and meaningful commitments until after Mercury stations direct on October 2nd and through the shadow period one week.

The Vedic holiday Navaratri (nine nights of the Divine feminine) begins Monday night. This is a special festival which honors the Goddess with prayer, fasting, and lamp lighting.

- All My Relations -

For personalized guidance, please visit Vedic Astrology with Tulsi to book a private consultation.

Astrological Dates

Getty Images - Hathor & Horus

  • September 25th: New Moon in Uttara Phalguni (Virgo)

  • September 25th: Day of the Ancestors

  • September 26th: Navaratri Begins (9 nights of the Goddess)

  • October 2nd: Mercury stations direct in Virgo

  • October 4th: Vijaya Dashami (day of victory of truth over evil)

  • October 8th: Full Moon in Revati (Pisces)

  • October 17th: Sun enters Libra (Avoid important/practical beginnings)

  • October 23rd: Saturn stations direct in Capricorn

  • October 25th: New Moon in Swati (Libra) - Diwali (Festival of Lights)

“Forgiveness is awakening to your own sacred divinity so there is no room for unforgiveness” 

- Basil Brave Heart

New Moon in Māgha: The Star of Power


Artwork from Getty Images

The dark moon early Saturday morning lands in the constellation of Māgha (sidereal Leo), the Star of Power. This royal nakshatra relates to our Ancestors, fulfilling one’s duties, magic and the celestial throne.

This is a time to remember our ancestors and reflect on our interdependency with all things — to shine light on our inherited habits, cycles and reactions as well as the legacy we’re leaving behind with the imprint of our thoughts, speech and actions — whether conscious or unconscious.

There is intergenerational work to be had during this window. For some of you, this may look like a baptism by fire that is requesting you to take a deeper look into healing your ancestral line. We’re being requested to take personal responsibility for the cycles and habits that may have been left on repeat. Have the courage to utilize this window wisely.

As the veil thins, are you able to track where are you being confronted with familiar lessons and perhaps inherited habits that are no longer assisting your momentum forward? Take personal responsibility for embodying and putting into practice the wisdom you’ve been cultivating that has now circled around front and center.

Place extra attention on staying rested and grounded during this time. Lead with your whole heart and know that a physical practice (holding the hard poses) will be of great service in assisting this process. Use these next couple weeks to set your plans into motion, as there’s extra emphasis for accomplishment on the material plane while the moon waxes. 

If you need assistance in tracking this shift on a personal level, please use the link in my bio to book a private consultation. Know that I’m here to support you. 

- All my relations -

Eknath Eswaran // “What would your life look like if you had the energy of the sun? The radiance of the stars? Love as infinite as the oceans? What if you had perfect health? Radiant Beauty? Strength in body and a mind of brilliance that always served you, and never erred? This is the promise of the Vedas: A wellness that draws out “the splendor of the personality that expresses itself in love, courage, creativity, and a melting tenderness that draws all hearts.” 

Artwork by Autumnskyart

  • August 27th: New Moon in Māgha (Leo)

  • August 30th: Ganesha Chaturthti (Lord Ganesha’s birthday)

  • September 9th: Mercury stations retrograde (Virgo) through 10/02

  • September 10th: Full Moon in Pūrva Bhādrapadā (Aquarius) - Beginning of Pritu Paksha

  • September 16th: Sun enters Virgo

  • September 25th: New Moon in Uttaraphalguni (Virgo)

  • September 25th: Day of the Ancestors & Navaratri begins

Full Moon in Dhanishtha: The Star of Symphony


Artwork by @myisticmamma

The full moon Thursday evening (8/11) lands in the constellation of Dhanishtha (sidereal Capricorn), the Star of Symphony.

Patiently awaiting forward movement? This bright moon marks a window of time that is ripe for manifestation, fine tuning your confidence and grounding into your beliefs. How can you be more clear in your convictions, while striking a delicate balance between tenderness and crystal clear boundaries?

Tension, chaos, resistance and conflict — we’ve been reviewing, course correcting, and patiently clearing the way for a new chapter to begin. A different tune plays now, the rhythm has increased and the pace is moving you towards that vision which has been calling your heart forward.

As you began to stabilize new found realizations and step closer into right relationship with Self — Notice, have you become overly confident in sharing your beliefs or perhaps more timid? With the emergence and stabilization of deeper found clarity, you may have been sending someone mixed messages in your convictions. Depending on where the full moon lands in your chart, in some area of your life or another, you may not be standing in full aliment with your beliefs.

Artwork from Pinterest

This chaos is as ancient as the story woven by your ancestors and is an integral part of your evolutionary journey. How can you respond to the dream in a different way than before? All outside conflict must first be resolved within. Lean into the grace of that which you do not prefer and attune more fully with your souls rhythm. Get clear in who you are, what you will and will not tolerate, and bring your truth out into the world from a grounded and clear place  — be decisive, choose a direction, and work selflessly.

Just like the drum, the symbol of this affluent lunar mansion, when we become a conduit for Source, when we can become like a hallow bone, the rhythms of the universe can flow through us more effortlessly. Step into your receptivity and trust in the presence of the Unknown.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the current astrological weather, please visit to book a Jyotish consultation.

~ All my relations 

New Moon in Pushya: Star of Nourishment


Art Nouveau By Hriviel

The dark moon Thursday (7/28) morning lands in the constellation of Pushya (sidereal Cancer), the Star of Nourishment. We all crave a sense of sovereignty within ourselves and furthermore, yearn for belonging amongst tribe. This lunar mansion is symbolized by the milk yielding utter of the cow, who is impartial to all that she nourishes. Without question, thought of return, or reason, the mother gives love unconditionally. If we can learn to lean into serving and showing up for others in a truly selfless way, we can begin to harness the mystical energies of this asterism.

 Have you been second guessing your capacity to handle all that has landed on your plate? And over thinking your current circumstances and steps forward? Perhaps the current tension and pressure of responsibility has been clouding your ability to see the big picture and stay patient in the process. Shift your attention to self care and ride the waves of this high paced transit that is offering potential for great leaps forward. All we have to do is stay out of our own way. Don’t touch whatever is coming up and know there is opportunity on the horizon. Allow for a few more developments to unfold before taking action around whatever you would like to grow in this moment — step out of your mind and into your heart.

Saturn retrograded back into Capricorn on 7/12 (through 11/23) and is redirecting our attention to review our values, direction in life, personal boundaries and assess what is to be held on to and what is to be released. The experience of this inquiry may feel quite familiar, as we have the opportunity now for a redo in some area of our lives or another. We are being gifted a miraculous opportunity to up-level and expedite our growth of consciousness. A door has opened and is offering a deeper look into our sense of responsibility and is holding the mirror up to unconscious patterns we may have left on repeat. Holding on to old ways, as comfortable as if feels in the moment, will ultimately lead you to being swept away by the strong current.

The personal Shakti (power) of this nakshatra, initiates the ability to harness creative energy, which in turn provides the wisdom and abundance to nurture and grow both the spiritual and material worlds. For this reason, Pushya, the Empress star is the most favorable constellation for beginning any activity. Focus on self care and creativity. Ground down through breathwork, meditation, and mantra japa to stay centered and connect with others through simple and dharma enhancing activities — such as home cooked meals, being outdoors and in stepping in spiritual practices.

For more in-depth guidance on how to navigate the current astrological energies, please visit my booking site to book a private consultation. Love All Ways ~ All my Relations

“Enter that which you have been longing to become - we resist that which makes us uncomfortable.” ~ Hafiz  

  • July 12th: Saturn Retrogrades back into Capricorn

  • July 28th: New Moon in Pushya (Cancer)

  • July 29th: Jupiter Retrogrades in Pisces

  • July 30th-August 3rd: Tight conjunction of Mars and Rahu (north node) in Aries

  • August 11th: Full Moon in Dhanishta (Capricorn)

  • August 16th: Sun Enters Leo (Important and practical beginnings are traditionally avoided on this day)

  • August 18th: Krishna Janmashtami (Lord Krishna’s birthday)

  • August 27th: New Moon in Magna (Leo)

  • August 30th: Ganesha Chaturthti (Lord Ganesha’s birthday)

Image from Pinterest