Saturn in Aquarius // I’ve been calling this upcoming transit, the changing of the guard. Saturn (शनि), the great time keeper, steps powerfully from Capricorn, where it has resided since early 2020 and into Aquarius, it’s mūlatrikona (root sign) sign, on January 17th. Saturn is the slowest of grahas and will remain there through March 2025.
We will be moving from restriction, hard work and a sense of constriction to a unifying and awakening in the collective, a global receptivity to truth; which turns a critical eye to our hopes and dreams, while enlivening energetic sovereignty and community involvement.
Give this transition another couple weeks to settle in and begin to sharpen your relationship with responsibility. Turn your focus away from struggle and discomfort and towards the lessons being learned. Embrace your challenges with a sense of duty and practice strengthening those muscles by showing up to face the karma this is being dealt in real time. Focusing on the lessons and stepping up to responsibility will bear much wisdom and growth. With love all ways
For personalized guidance on how to navigate Saturns transit in Aquarius, please visit Vedic Astrology with Tulsi book a private consultation. All my relations