Mercury Stations Direct in Āśleṣā: The Embracing Star


Āśleṣā आश्लेषा | August 28th

Artwork: Pinterest

Mercury has danced over the gaṇḍānta point—the juncture between water and fire—twice in the last month, engaging with that karmic knot which holds immense potential. This retrograde has delivered the profound energy promised, urging many of us into deep introspection and processing. This subtle influence continues to invite us to remain open and patient as we learn the art of transmutation.

Mercury stationed retrograde in Maghā (Leo) on the 5th, moved back into Cancer on the 24th, and will station direct on the 28th in Āśleṣā, the Embracing Star (the position of August’s New Moon).

As Mercury stations direct in Āśleṣā, the celestial serpent releases its coils, inviting us to shed old patterns and embrace clarity. Āśleṣā, with its profound connection to the subconscious mind and the transformative power of the Nāga, asks us to reflect on the truths we’ve unearthed during Mercury’s retrograde journey.

Now is the time to communicate with authenticity, letting our words become vessels of healing and renewal. The subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening now. Continue to distill down the wisdom and lessons that have been presenting themselves in the past few weeks. Trust in what lands and allow it to guide your path forward and establish a foundation of emotional resilience and intuitive insight.

Expect clarity to return to matters of home, family, and emotions. Communication will flow more smoothly, facilitating heartfelt connections and nurturing domestic harmony. On September 2nd, Mercury will once again cross into Leo (Maghā), revisiting the energies that carried over from July. For most, it would be wise to wait another couple of weeks for Mercury to move out of its retrograde shadow period before committing to forward momentum.

-All My Relations- 

To book a private consultation please visit: Jyotish Consultations

Slow things down and the before more beautiful - David Lynch 

Full Moon in Puṣyā: The Star of Nourishment


Our first full moon of the year reaches its zenith on Thursday  (9:54am PST | 23:24 IST) in the Vedic Lunar Mansion of Puṣyā पुष्या (Cancer), the Star of Nourishment. This cycle holds the potential fulfillment and promise of the new moon in pūrvāṣāḍhā - the victory which comes through the efforts supported by the raw enegy and nourishment that awakens from one’s sādhanā - through continued purification and alignment with life-sustaining forces.

We all crave a sense of sovereignty within ourselves and furthermore yearn for belonging amongst tribe. This lunar mansion is symbolized by the milk-yielding udder of the cow, which is impartial to all that she nourishes. Without question, thought of return, or reason, the mother gives love unconditionally. If we can learn to lean into serving and showing up for others in a truly selfless way, we can begin to harness the mystical energies of this asterism.

The Shakti (power) of this nakshatra initiates the ability to harness creative and spiritual energy, which in turn provides the wisdom and abundance to nourish both the spiritual and material worlds. The wealth which we are seeking here is the spiritual energy or punya, which accumulates through tapasya and comes forward through the grace of divine guidance. Drinking from that reservior of energy helps us to direct our efforts in such a way that we’re able to protect our nervous system, our home, our country, as well as the nourishment needed to produce material abundance and not become side tracked or burnt out.

Puṣyā is one of the most favorable constellations for beginnings of all kinds (except marriage). This particular full moon holds extra blessings for engaging in spiritual practices, making significant purchases, planning important events and initiating new beginnings. 

Ground-down and get centered through breathwork, kriya, meditation, and japa (all wisdom and practices connected to Bṛhaspati - Lord of Sacred Speech). Connect with others through simple and nurturing activities, which uphold and support dhárma — such as home-cooked meals, being outdoors, moon gazing and in steeping in your spiritual practices.

For more in-depth guidance on how to navigate the current astrological energies, please visit: Jyotish Consultation

All my Relations 

Ananda Mayi Ma // Love is everlasting forgiveness. Wisdom is to see everything in relation to the whole. If you understand that everything belongs to Him, you will be free of all burdens. All sorrow comes from the sense of I and Mine. All sorrow is due to one’s keeping apart from God. When you are with Him all pain disappears. By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow and by adversity does he destroy adversity. When this is done he sends no more suffering, no more adversity. This must be remembered at all times.

Full Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star


Artwork by @mooncrab.jpg

The bright moon on Sunday morning awakens the primordial, serpent energy, bound within the constellation of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Cancer), The Clinging Star. Just like the coiled energy that sits dormant at the base of the spine, which yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā enlivens the curiosity to investigate deeper to unite with one’s desired outcome.

A quest which draws us to embrace balance between good and bad — the dance of our lower nature that must be won over before we can attune to our higher power. This kind of transmutation, which turns poison into medicine, very much relates to the shadow energies entwined within our ego — awaiting to be acknowledged and thus subdued, for the throne of authority to be achieved. 

What are you ready to shed? We’re moving out of Mercury retrograde's shadow period and the subtle impulses of your intuition are reawakening. Continue to distill down the wisdom and lessons that have been presenting themselves since the beginning of the year. Learn to transcend your emotional reactions and become more goal oriented, consistent and disciplined in your pursuit to establish your desired hopes and dreams. Wait out the fortnight of the waning moon before initiating those new beginnings, commitments and projects that have been awaiting you. 

All my Relations

For more in depth, personalized guidance on how to align with the current planetary cycle, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations to book a consultation. Love all ways

Dogen Zenji // “Enlightenment is intimacy with all things.”

Artwork by Caroline Smith

  • February 5th: Full Moon Āśleṣā (Cancer) 

  • February 6th: Mercury enters Capricorn 

  • February 12: Sun enters Aquarius 

  • February 15th: Venus enters Pisces 

  • February 18th: Maha Shivaratri 

  • February 19th: New Moon Shatabhishā (Aquarius)

  • February 27th: Mercury enters Aquarius