Full Moon in Dhanishtha: The Star of Symphony


Artwork by @myisticmamma

The full moon Thursday evening (8/11) lands in the constellation of Dhanishtha (sidereal Capricorn), the Star of Symphony.

Patiently awaiting forward movement? This bright moon marks a window of time that is ripe for manifestation, fine tuning your confidence and grounding into your beliefs. How can you be more clear in your convictions, while striking a delicate balance between tenderness and crystal clear boundaries?

Tension, chaos, resistance and conflict — we’ve been reviewing, course correcting, and patiently clearing the way for a new chapter to begin. A different tune plays now, the rhythm has increased and the pace is moving you towards that vision which has been calling your heart forward.

As you began to stabilize new found realizations and step closer into right relationship with Self — Notice, have you become overly confident in sharing your beliefs or perhaps more timid? With the emergence and stabilization of deeper found clarity, you may have been sending someone mixed messages in your convictions. Depending on where the full moon lands in your chart, in some area of your life or another, you may not be standing in full aliment with your beliefs.

Artwork from Pinterest

This chaos is as ancient as the story woven by your ancestors and is an integral part of your evolutionary journey. How can you respond to the dream in a different way than before? All outside conflict must first be resolved within. Lean into the grace of that which you do not prefer and attune more fully with your souls rhythm. Get clear in who you are, what you will and will not tolerate, and bring your truth out into the world from a grounded and clear place  — be decisive, choose a direction, and work selflessly.

Just like the drum, the symbol of this affluent lunar mansion, when we become a conduit for Source, when we can become like a hallow bone, the rhythms of the universe can flow through us more effortlessly. Step into your receptivity and trust in the presence of the Unknown.

For more personalized guidance on how to navigate the current astrological weather, please visit https://eyesoftheveda.as.me/schedule.php to book a Jyotish consultation.

~ All my relations