Lunar Eclipse in Bharani: The Star of Restraint

Lunar Eclipse

Artwork by Trisha Thompson Adams

Early Tuesday morning the moon reaches its zenith, with a total lunar eclipse in Bharani (Aries), the Star of Restraint. There’s a feeling in the air that your world is becoming unglued and the cards have been thrown in the air. The veil is thin and we find ourselves standing at the threshold of irreversible change. Expect the unexpected.

Eclipses are considered to be a vulnerable point, as they bring to the surface that which has been kept in the dark and invokes a heightened feeling of uncertainty. Lunar eclipses trigger an instant exposure from our past, while solar eclipses offer an omen and flavor for the next six months to come. Track what is trying to make itself known to you, as eclipses are a doorway to peer deeper into yourself.

This doorway offers a promise of accelerated spiritual growth if you’re willing to take a deeper look below the surface and excavate into your unconscious. Have you been listening? Know that the challenges that are arising now have a purpose and perhaps embracing your vulnerability is your greatest medicine and ally at this time.

As I sit with the energies of Bharani, I’m reminded of the old Sufi saying, ‘You must die before you die.’ For you cannot truly be reborn until you’re willing to die — to be willing to let go of who you think you are. Birth and death are complementary processes — when in balance, the soul meets the force of evolution with ease, when out of balance, we’re often met with confrontation. 

The rose colored glasses will be coming off and you may find new parts of yourself and your life being revealed to you now. A balancing act between self and other.  Something new is requesting to birth through you. You have more time than you think and you will not recognize yourself when we're through. The lunar nodes which invoke the eclipse process are known as the great awakeners. We’re being awakened now from a deep sleep, as if a previous illusion or veil is becoming transparent now. 

Be willing to lean all the way in and release entertaining what’s no longer for you, so you can birth yourself anew. Take another week or so to keep it simple — to track, embrace, digest, and stabilize all that is being shown to you now. After the integration process, you will be invited to look at the bigger picture, to stand in your convictions, and commit to that which is in full alignment for you. Release the outcome for the Universe to unfold and allow yourself to be surprised. 

For assistance in tracking this shift on a personal level, please visit Jyotish Consultations to book a private consultation. Know that I’m here to support you. All my relations

Nisargadatta Maharaj // “Pain is physical; suffering is mental. Beyond the mind there is no suffering. Pain is essential for the survival of the body, but none compels you to suffer. Suffering is due entirely to clinging or resisting; it is a sign of our unwillingness to move on, to flow with life.”