Venus in Pisces

VENUS ENTERS PISCES: January 27th - May 30th


Today, Śukra (Venus) transits into sidereal Pisces, his sign of exaltation, where he will remain through May 30th. This extended stay is due to his retrograde motion from March 1st to April 12th. This cycle holds the promise of profound awakening and deep transformation in your relationships, creative process, and artistic pursuits — all of which will be heightened during the retrograde period.

Śukra Graha, the venerable planet of devotion, divine love, justice, restoration, relationships, conveniences, and virility, is one of the three Jñāna Kārakas (significators of knowledge). He is the Kāraka of union (yoga) and transportation. 

Venus is revered as the Guru to the Asuras, beings whose nature is bound to power, ambition, and a fierce opposition to the Devas. He is the keeper of Mṛtusañjīvanī Vidyā, the sacred knowledge that holds the power to awaken the dead, and  also reigns as the lord of semen and seed. Venus governs Friday, the southeast direction, and the signs of Taurus and Libra, while also activating the constellations Bharaṇī, Pūrva Phalgunī, and Pūrvāṣāḍhā. 

As the embodiment of Jala Tattva (the water element), his metal is silver, diamond is his gem, and his color resembles the  delicate white hue of a jasmine flower. His constitution is Kapha-Vata — a blend that nurtures both stability and fluidity.

On February 1st, Venus will enter the Vedic lunar mansion of Uttara Bhādrapadā (उत्तरभद्रपदा), also known as the Warrior Star. This nakṣatra, said to be the seat of MahāLakṣmī, is symbolized by the back of a funeral cot and the serpent of the deep sea. It is connected to fertility—both of the earth and sky—excavating the unconscious, harmonizing universal mind, and gaining wisdom through experience, humility, and self-sacrifice.

During this transit, we are called to investigate deeper into our relationships with justice, forgiveness, compassion, self-expression, harmony, and the commitments we make—whether in personal bonds, marketplace dealings, or business contracts. This is a potent time to explore the sambandha (connections) we share with others.

Śukra, as the Guru of the Asuras, was known for protecting his people and tribe. He is also associated with Paraśurāma, the sixth incarnation of Lord Viṣṇu. Paraśurāma’s story is among the most violent incarnations, as he had to wield an axe against the Kṣatriyas (warrior/political class) to rebuild a better society.

Artowrk: Uknown | lady with hawk, opaque watercolor on paper | Guler school of Art, V&A Museum, ca. 1750

Pay close attention to where you are drawing lines between the idea of your people and others, and what you are willing to do to obtain and maintain your desired position or seat. Notice the actions that may arise from a sense of injustice or unfairness—especially if fueled by vengeance or revenge. 

Śukra’s narrative is often linked to blindness or a kind of arrogance, which reflects a misalignment between one’s self-perception and the views of others. This can manifest as seeing oneself as either superior or inferior in ways that diverge from reality.

Śukra Graha is the enjoyer—the one who delights in all sensory experiences: music, good company, fine food, mantra, and meditation. Venus imparts wisdom through experience and calls for complete absorption. He is the Samādhi maker, invoking unity with the divine at his highest octave.

This is beautifully exemplified through the story of MahāLakṣmī, who takes up residence in Viṣṇu’s heart, and the many saints with Śukra in Pisces in their birth charts who were true embodiments of supreme devotion and the boundless grace of divine love.

This is an important time for self-reflection as we tread the deep waters of this transit. Pay close attention if you have major planets, your moon, or your Lagna (rising sign) in Pisces, or if you are currently running a cycle of Venus, Saturn, or Jupiter.

For more personalized guidance on how this transit influences your chart, I offer one-on-one consultations, which you can book here.

All My Relations | ॐ शुं शुक्राय नमः

  • January 28th: Venus enters Pisces | Venus Rahu Conjunction through May 28th

  • February 1st: Venus enters Uttarabhadrapada (Pisces)

  • March 1/2: Venus Retragrades in Uttarabhadrapada (Pisces)

  • March 31st: Venus Saturn Conjunction in Purvabharapada

  • April 12/13: Venus Stations Direct in Purvabharapada (Pisces)