Full Moon in Āśleṣā: The Clinging Star

FULL MOON पूर्णिमा

Feb 12th 19:23 IST | 5:53 AM PST

Artwork: British Museum | Asavari Ragini c.1740, Deccan

The full moon (pūrṇimā) of February rises in the Vedic lunar mansion of Āśleṣā आश्लेषा (Cancer), The Embracing Star. Just as the coiled energy at the base of the spine yearns to merge with its beloved in the crown, Āśleṣā stirs the curiosity to delve deeper and unite with one’s desired outcome.

The new moon in Śravaṇa (Capricorn) initiated a cycle calling us to release distractions, realign our priorities, and attune our listening to the inner voice, intuition, and the unspoken word.

Now, this energy culminates in an initiation—an invitation to embrace the balance between virtue and vice, the dance of our primal nature that must be harmonized before we ascend to our higher dominion. This journey of transmutation, turning poison into medicine, mirrors the shadow energies entwined within our ego. Here, you must become an alchemist, learning to digest this poison. These shadows, often buried deep in the subconscious, await acknowledgment and transformation, granting true sovereignty over the self.

The energies within Āśleṣā, positioned at the gaṇḍānta point—the liminal juncture between water and fire—hold immense potential. Ruled by the Nāgas, the heavenly serpents, and symbolizing a karmic knot, this subtle energy calls for openness and patience as we refine the art of transmutation. Āśleṣā, also known as The Clinging Star, possesses the shakti to unite us with our desires, weaving together seemingly unconnected elements to manifest a singular vision.

Your intuition is sharpened now. Elevate yourself beyond emotional reactions. Employ strategy and goal orientation while tempering your agendas. Consistency, patience, and discipline will be your allies in realizing your cherished ambitions and stepping into your legacy. Embrace your darkness, knowing that healing emerges through the extraction of poison. Depending on where Cancer falls in your chart, you may find yourself guiding another through their own metamorphosis.

What are you prepared to shed to reach your desired goal?

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“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth he can accept about himself without running away.” ― Leland Val Van De Wall

― Leland Val Van De Wall