Vasanta Pañcamī
Celebrated annually on the fifth day in the bright half of Māgha, today marks the festival honoring goddess Sarasvatī and the beginning of Spring.
Sarasvatī is known as the goddess of wisdom, language, music, and the arts. She symbolizes that creative intelligence who is invoked to awaken within us the memory of who we really are.
Consort to Lord Brahmā, she is that shakti (power) that embodies the original sound, the nād, which exists as the channels in our body, the invisible river whose impulse spurs Brahmā to breathe life into creation.
Many honor Vasanta Pañcamī or Sarasvatī pūjā by wearing yellow, offering and eating yellow foods, as it is said to be Sarasvatī’s favorite color. This is symbolic of the fertility of spring, with its budding flowers and ripening crops. Today is held auspicious to begin one’s studies, take initiation, and engage in the arts and learning of all kinds.
There are many legends associating this festival with the blossoming of love, passion, and emotional anticipation. One such legend recalls the day when Kama Dev (god of love) was said to have been approached by the Rishis (seers) to interrupt Lord Shiva’s meditation so that Parvati, after her arduous tapasya, could receive him as her husband. When Shiva awakened from his meditation, his third eye was said to burn Kama Dev to ashes. Making for a potent and dynamic Valentine’s day energy.
Aum Aim Sarasvatyai Namaha | ॐ ऐं सरस्वत्यै नमः
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