The first new moon of the year aligns the sun and moon together on Thursday (3:58am PST | 17:28 IST) in the constellation of Pūrvāṣāḍhā पूर्वाषाढा (Sagittarius): the Invincible Star. This constellation is ruled by the water goddess, Apah and is goddess Sarasvatī’s birth star. Besides the life-giving and nurturing qualities of water, this lunar mansion is also associated with the purification of impurities and disease.
This renewal brings about rejuvenation, which sustains, energizes and encourages growth. This lunar cycle brings with it a promise of victory to come when your focus is utilized to align with life-sustaining forces. What poisons in your life need to be transmuted into a healing experience?
These past few months have provoked an unsettling churning that has stirred an inner shift and transformation you’re perhaps still digesting and integrating. This new moon punctuates the lessons you’ve been dancing with since October and only begin to land as we move out of Mercury retrograde's shadow period mid-month. We’re still gathering more information now.
We’re being asked to tend to the renewal and protection of our nervous system, a rejuvenation and energizing of our vital fluids in order to attain favor and alignment with that unexplainable force which nourishes and encourages a seed to blossom.
Just like the winnowing basket, a symbol for this constellation, which is used to separate the husk from the grain, this cycle encourages a shedding of unnecessary obstacles in order to bring out the useful portion “inside”. This may relate to people, places, and things.
Be honest with where you’re gripping and where you’re avoiding. Take responsibility for what you’re inviting into your life. The legacy you’re looking to leave, the victory you’re seeking, depends perhaps on releasing short-term pleasures, which ultimately lead to long-term discomfort and shifting your focus towards being patient and enduring short-term discomfort that leads to lasting pleasure.
This cycle is best utilized in distilling, integrating, and stabilizing all that has been moving through these last months. Tend to the evolution of your consciousness, be willing to cleanse and shed that which is distracting you from stepping fully into your authenticity and claiming your seat.
Source energy is always available to us, and a master is one who has the capacity to keep their presence and vibration attuned at all times to this Source. For my full blog post and to book a private Vedic Astrology reading with me, please visit Jyotish Consultations
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Ananda Mayi Ma // Love is everlasting forgiveness. Wisdom is to see everything in relation to the whole. If you understand that everything belongs to Him, you will be free of all burdens. All sorrow comes from the sense of I and Mine. All sorrow is due to one’s keeping apart from God. When you are with Him all pain disappears. By sorrow does the Lord dispel sorrow and by adversity does he destroy adversity. When this is done he sends no more suffering, no more adversity. This must be remembered at all times.
See the full article here: Millennial Magazine