Full Moon in Jyeṣṭhā: The Elder Star


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The bright moon reaches it’s zenith on the evening of June 3rd (8:40pm pdt) in the Vedic lunar mansion of Jyeṣṭhā ज्येष्ठा (sidereal Scorpio), the Elder Star. This constellation stands at the pinnacle of material success, shines as the 14th brightest star in the sky, Antares, is symbolized by a protective amulet, awakens the power to conquer the subconscious, and asks us to step up as an authority and commit to our responsibilities.

The new moon in Kṛttikā (Sidereal Taurus) initiated a transformative lunation cycle, inviting us to embark on a journey of soul purification. You’ve been encouraged to pivot inwards and sit with all that is moving through you. To sit in the fire with all the discomforts, resistance, false beliefs, anticipations, illusions, and walls you’ve build up against embodying your truth. Don’t bypass this opportunity for growth becomes its too uncomfortable. Observe the story as it continues to unfold. Ground down and rest in the spacious awareness of your being and welcome these fiery energies to in turn dissolve all that is not contributing to your life. This course correction and pivot will help you to become more stabilized.

As we emerge from the shadow period of Mercury Retrograde a newfound clarity takes hold — continue to digest and stabilize the energies from eclipse season. Hidden truths are illuminated, and our hearts and minds may experience reversals. Forward momentum on projects awakens results on the material plane, especailly after the new moon on the 17th. Communication becomes activated and a desire to share our findings from this period of introspection.

Jyeṣṭhā prospers through the right use of natural law and invites us to lean into our spiritual practices, occult knowledge, intuition and prayer to ground down and stabilize. What responsibilities are coming forward that seek your commitment?

For deeper clarification on what this means for you personally and how to navigate the current energies with more ease and grace, please visit Vedic Astrology Consultations book a private reading. Know that I am here to support you during these unprecedented times.

Love All Ways

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

― Buckminster Fuller
